one word...O.C.D

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Hey there bunny-squad! sorry for being so inactive..i.. i just had some issues and couldn't write any other story..not like i had any ideas anyways..BUT now i'm back and not leaving! enjoy!.(By the way O.C.D {obsessive compulsive disorder} is when someone does something over and over and always make sure is perfect, O.C.D is when someone acts obsesive and impulsive about any activity like cleaning example, if the person cant do the activity he starts to panic sometimes they hurt others, other times....themselves)

Nate's P.O.V 

 Hey there i'm Nathan i'm 20 years old and this is my story:                                   
 i have a friend friend! called Matthew he's really cute everything about him was so perfect but still....frustrating.

 My house yeah ....that was literally a portal to hell for those who hate organization, everything EVERYTHING was perfectly placed all the cups and plates where organized by time(how old they are) and height, my room was perfectly organized so sun rays wont make those ugly shadows on my floor.....NOW enough talking about me let's talk about Matthew.

Matthew how can i explain this? well let's say i've had a big crush on him since kindergarten, hes just so so so perfect, i just hate myself for not telling him before..i mean..its not like he likes me back anyway..fuck! i gotta finish dressing up Matthew and i are hanging out at the park, i finished putting on the shoes and rushed downstairs 

I opened the door and closed it behind me then walked to my car and went to Matt's house 

~time skip cause why the heck not?~

I was at Matt's door and knocked not so long after someone opened the door, it was a tall skinny woman with dark brown hair and eyes ..I don't recognize her at all "Hey Nate!" she said letting me enter the house "how are you?" she said closing the door and walking across me "i-i'm fine thx" "umm ok?, i'll call Matt" was the last words i heard from her before Matt came and we left.

We got to my car after waiting for Matt who asked the girl if she wanted to go with us and...luckily she said no, DON'T get me wrong i don't hate whoever she was i just... I don't know that girl gives me bad vibes..yeah i hate that.

After getting into the car we just started talking about stuff like: how's life? or did you knew that they are going to make a sequel from INFINITY WAR you know..that HORRIBLE AND SENSELESS MOVIE WHO BROKE OUR HEARTS!? and stuff :3.


What was funny about it is that every time he said something wrong I immediately corrected him....heh.... he always got so mad, we got to the park at 1:03 "its pretty early." he said looking at me "y-yeah there's almost no one in the park" I looked at him seeking for a response but he just gave me a serious look like if something  was happening I just ignored it we went to the ice cream store and there was also no one around "is there something up?" i asked "hm..i don't know maybe it's just an event and everyone went to see  it" he said giving me a warming smile "but even the people who work here ?" i said looking at the empty counter "i guess so.."

We walked trough the path and there was no one to be seen, I was so worried
"Matt, I'm getting freaked out what's happening" I asked anxiously, I hated when someone refused to answer my questions and even more if the whole town has to do with it! "Its OK Nathan don't worry" I shook my head still not being able to shake the feeling away..I felt weird, like if I had never come to this place, that scared me...

All of a sudden I hear music, it was a soft romantic song but it had some passion to it, I recognized the song immediately then I saw abouts crowd cheer at the singer 'guess it was an event huh?' I thought looking for Matt who had magically disappeared while I was paying attention to the song.
But then I saw it, and i wish I didn't, I wish i had sayed no to this weird hanging out I wish I hadn't woke up today I wish I wasn't so fucking perfect, there he was, standing on the stage kneeling down for somebody who isn't me he's kneeling down for a girl i didn'tknow and i wanted to rip off my ears just before he said those words but failed, and with just four words he broke my heart in a way i doubt it will be repaired "will you marry me".

I felt so betrayed so helpless my best friend had a secret relationship and never told me I normally shouldn't feel so bad but life is such a bitch that it happens to be the same friend i've always had a crush on, I felt so, so messy I wanted it to stop just stop felt falling through a trapdoor I was trapped I didn't wanna be trapped I want to run I want to run so fast so I did I ran as fast as I could

"Thanks to my friend nate who helped me realize life is only a mess if you are a mess"

Then I stopped and looked back, my heart melted at the sound of him mentioning my name I was still hurt but then I realized something..I love him too much to leave him alone, so I sucked it up and smiled cause im happy he's happy and even though it will always sting I love him more than anything in this life I will put his happines over mine everytime so i'll suck it up and support him

I started walking back to the stage and climbed on the so-called platform and he hugged me his eyes he was helpless in love and that's just enough
I hope you're satisfied Matthew...Cause I am.

Wow I literally took years to make this lmao I never had any idea where to take this oof wow its been long now im full of ideas soo... I i will make more chapters.

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