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Dear Anna,                                                                                                                               7/14/14

              Hello, well, i'm not exactly sure how to start this... But Hello!!! 

I just read the final authors note of After 3. And i have to say, i'm a little emotional right now.

After is the reason why i began reading, it's the reason why i began writing, it's the reason why i made so many international friends. After has been such a big part of my life. I started reading it on winter break, i spent 24/7 in my room, reading, stuck in the Hessa life because i wanted to get out of my own life.

The After world was my little escape from life, the one thing i could go to if everything was going wrong. It was my escape, my paradise. 

i got addicted to reading it, talking about it, tweeting about it, writing about it. It became my life. I really can't believe that its over. and i honestly cannot wait for Before to come out, or the Liam story, or the movie. 

You're such an amazing author Anna, i can't even begin to contemplate how many times that you have made me, laugh, cry, and get angry, just by the words written on the page, they are so well written that i feel like it was me, that Harry was yelling at, the one crying when he did some fucked up thing, and tried to fix it and failed. The one laughing when those cute little moments of haven that Hessa had.

And it's SO CRAZY how they are going to get married. it's exactly how i pictured the last chapter to be. I remember talking to my friend about it, saying 'i feel like hessa finally is going to get engaged, or married, or something, i feel it, i dunno why, but i feel like that would be the perfect way to end it, but then again i'd be happy with anyway she ends it.' 

I knew they were going to, i just had the feeling. I'd probably like the ending even if you had everyone die or something! 

okay, going off track here.

But, anyway, i've made so many friends off of after, and i've became closer with a lot of my everyday friends as well. There is one friend in specific, Her name is May.

She wrote a letter that was so good, that it made me cry. English is her second language. yet she still wrote the letter and brought tears to my eyes, i was absolutely touched by her letter, that i had to message her, tell her everything was going to be okay, because it was. 

We now talk everyday, even through the time zones. She's so sweet and caring, and thoughtful. 

She told me about a war going on currently in her country, i believe it's between the Israelis and The Hamas. I dunno, but she has told me every detail there is. I think about her everyday, worrying about her, worrying about if she's okay or not, or if she made it to her shelter or not. 

And everyday she messages me and lets me know that shes okay, and then we go on with our conversations. She is such a sweet heart.

but After has opened my mind to the world, showing me that there are other people out there, who aren't as lucky as i am, and i barely have anything to complain about. After has widened my knowledge, defiantly my Vocabulary.

I got this idea of writing this letter from may, because hers. Im not trying to copy or anything, i don't think you can really copy perfection. but she has made me want to get on and tell you how much i really appreciate you.

You have grown so much in reads, and votes, and comments, and the real world. You have a movie coming out, all After's are being published, you have your own jewelry line. You honestly are my role model.

You have gave girls, and even males, enough confidence to write their own stories and throw them out into the open, out there for everyone else to read. You are the reason why i made my book Ninny. I always had the idea, but i was scared to put it out there. But i though 'what the hell' and put it out there.

A couple of days later, i got my first Hate. I was crying my eyes out, the person was commenting on every chapter i had, telling me how stupid it was, how 'teenage' of me it was to write it, how bad it was, how i couldn't spell. I was about to delete it. 

But then i got a message, that changed my mind, and my life. It was from my now, best friend, Kat. 

She told me that she thinks my story is amazing, and my writing is amazing. She even apologized to me for bothering me (which i thought was funny, because she wasn't) and that made me feel like i was on top of the world. 

She made me regain my confidence. 

i'm still repaying her for that. 

But here i am, chewing on my headphone wires, and face timing kat, and writing this..

Because it feels like a dream every time i hear anything about After. It's amazing how far it has gone, and it's still going, past the clouds, into space, and to another galaxy, meeting the different stars.

This book has been my life. And i want to thank you for it. 

So Thank you Anna Todd. Thank you for all the confidence you have given to me, and everyone else, thank you for being there when i needed you, and thank you, for writing, what i call  My life, After.

i love you ♥

                                                                                                                                    Lots of Love xoxox

                                                                                                                                               Ashley Correia. 

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