Chapter 1

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I wake up to my mom shaking me.

She says "Hunny, time for school! Your first day of high school! Keep your eye out for cute boys."

I say "Mom!"

She says "Okay, okay, I'm leaving for work. You better be at school. No butts."

I sigh and roll out of bed. I change into a dress and heels. I then curl my hair and add make up. I grab my phone, bag, and keys and walk down stairs. I grab a pop tart and walk out the door. After locking the door and I walk to the bus stop. I see Liam waiting for me. My best friend. I give him one of the pop tarts and start eating the other.

He says "Your old enough to drive."

I say "I know, the school won't let me until next year. It sucks."

He laughs and the bus comes. We both climb on and sit next to each other.

Maybe I should tell you about myself. I'm Emily Tate. I'm 16 years old and a freshman. I got held back once when my father died. I missed to much school so they held me back. Over the summer me and my mom moved to Beacon hills. We wanted to leave my dads past behind. My dad was a hunter. A werewolf hunter. He wanted me to take his place, but I can't. Not with what I am. A were-coyote, just like my cousin Malia Tate.

I stand up and walk off the bus. I walk into the school with Liam, Mason, Garrett and his girlfriend following me. I meet Malia half way through the hallway and hug her.

I say "Hey! How's things been!"

She says "Better, I'm learning to control."

I say "Awesome! Your gonna teach me one day."

She smiles and winks at me. We both walk off together to our lockers. She introduced me to all her friends. Kira, Scott, Stiles, Isaac, Lydia and I introduced myself back. I learned that Kira and Scott are together, Stiles and Malia are together and then the rest are just there.

I say "Are they you know.."

Malia says "Scott and Isaac are were wolfs, Kira is a bad ass fox, Lydia is a banshee and Stiles is just Stiles. Then me and you are us."

He says "Well I was a evil spirit for a few weeks, but I don't know if that counts."

I say "A kitsunae and a nokisunae. I've heard."

They nod and I smile.

I say "I must be going now. Liam will get mad. But don't get him into this if you don't have to. He don't know shit."

They nod and I walk off to find Liam. I find him and we walk to class together. We have every class together. I also wait for him on lacrosse. He did a lot of practice this summer with his step dad. I sit down close to the door and et my books out. I always sit close to the door just in case something happens. My phone vibrates.

Mom: Hunny come to the hospital now.You need to see this.

I close my book and put them in my bag. I get up and just walk out. I don't care what happens. I push out the doors and start heading off to the hospital jogging. I push through the front door and meet my mom by the dead body room. She motions me to follow her and I do. I see 3 dead body's and she unzips one.

She says "Was this anything supernatural?"

I look at the marks and feel my claws out. I trace the marks but its not right. It wasn't werewolf or were-coyote. Looks to be a military tomahawk.

I say "No, it wasn't one of me. It looks to be done with a military tomahawk. First thing dad tryed training me on."

She says "So, its nothing I have to keep from them."

I shake my head no and feel my eyes glow. I look down at the body. I pick up some medical thing and feel inside one of the wounds. I pill out a piece of metal. Two more people come in. I close my eyes and hide my hands.

A guy says "Your not supposed to be here."

I slowly open my eyes but there still glowing. They gasp.

A girl says "Your one of them? A werewolf?"

I say "I prefer were-coyote. Like Malia."

He says "Well, I guess we don't have to get our kids involved, what do you see?"

I motion them over and I point to the mark.

I say "This is not claws. This is a military tomahawk. I pulled a piece of metal out of this wound and that should give something. This is not supernatural this is a murderer. Was there any survivors?"

The girl says "One. A boy your age. This is all his family mom, dad, and older brother. Want me to lead you to him?"

I say "If you can."

She says "Yeah, Sheriff Stilinski here is gonna go see the crime scene."

I say "By the way. I'm Emily Tate."

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