Chapter 1: I See an Angel!

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Chapter 1

“Oh my goodness! Did you see him!?!” stupid blonde girl number one squealed.

 “How could I not?! I mean he was smokin’ hot!” stupid blonde girl number two screeched while adding extra emphasis on the word ‘hot’ as she fanned herself.

 “AAHH!” both stupid blondes screamed jumping up and down as if they had just won Bingo.

 Seriously? Don’t they care how much their squeaky little voices can agitate someone else’s ears? It’s like a cat clawing its nails on a chalkboard!

 I walked through the school’s halls while listening to the constant chatters of each clique, not like I was eavesdropping of course. And the topic for today is... (drumroll please!) “the Angel.” Now when they say “angel” it’s not like a naked baby with wings and a halo on top. You gotta think like “Barbies.” “Angel” in their vocabulary means a six packed dude with flawless skin and a face that surely God overdid Himself with; in other words—hot (which is the word ordinary girls use.)

 Who is this guy anyways? 

 I walked into the classroom taking my usual spot—far left row, second to last seat.

 “Class, take your seats,” Mrs. Blake announced as the rest of the class filed in.

 And like a normal class, everyone ignored her.

 “Quickly now!”

 Strange. Mrs. Blake usually is a laid back kind of lady...

 “I would like you to meet our new student, Kurt Archer.”

 Oh that’s why.

 Lifting my head I see a tall, masculine, blonde hair dude appear. He was wearing jeans and a white shirt that made his muscles bulge bigger than what they really were. So this is the “angel.”

 I swear I saw someone swoon.

I took the chance to sum up his personality: full of himself, self-centered, egocentric, egotistic, narcissistic (yes, I wasted one minute of my life listing synonyms for selfish), player.

 Not trying to be judgmental or anything but this guy gives me—a bad aura. Don’t worry! I’m not a psychic! But don’t you ever get those feelings where you just know you won’t like the person even before you meet him? I mean, I admit he is pretty hot with his spiky blonde hair and nicely toned biceps...and dark blue eyes...but that’s beside the point!

 And as much as I already did not like him, he just had to pick the seat right next to mine. I looked at him oddly surveying him for a couple seconds as I tried to figure out if he’d be worth my time introducing myself.

 “Take a picture it lasts longer,” he said winking my direction, his teeth forming into a perfect smile...a little too perfect.

"Unfortunately if I do that my camera's gonna break. We don't want that to happen now do we?" I snapped, the word's rolling off my tongue.

 This guy’s not worth it.

 I glanced away annoyed at myself for being caught looking at him.

 “I don’t like this guy,” I heard someone whisper to me. Turning around I saw Logan-my awesomest best friend in the whole wide world! Now this guy was worth my time.

 “Same here.”

 He raised an eyebrow at me. What was he expecting? For me to be one of those chicks fanning herself and drooling all over him?


 It would take a miracle for me to be one of them. Girly-girl isn’t my type, tomboy maybe, but girly? Definitely not.

 After minutes of meaningless lecture the bell finally rang. Sitting for a whole forty-five minutes really numbs your butt, not to mention your legs. Now add to that another three hundred fifteen minutes to complete a whole school day! (My apologies if I did my math wrong.)

 On my way out the door someone grabbed my shoulder putting me to an alarming halt. In one swift motion, I curled my first and sent it flying to the opponent’s stomach. Nobody and I mean no body scares me and can get away with it! Who do you think you are, anyways?

 The person let out an ‘oomph’ and clutched his now soar belly. Or should I say abs? Seeing him, blood rushed its way up my cheeks, embarrassed for what just happened.

 Well Sam Raedan you just made the greatest first impression in history.

 “I’m so sorry!”

 Kurt stared at me then smirked.

 Wait. Did he just… smirk!?

 “For a girl, you sure can send a good punch,” he said coolly, still clutching his stomach.

 I smirked back. “You underestimate us girls too much.”


 :) Well that's chapter one for you! Please comment and tell me any ideas of how to make it better! By the way, this story was made by me and my best friend! 


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⏰ Last updated: Oct 06, 2013 ⏰

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