Chapter 1

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~Present Time~

Xander's POV

I walked into the halls of the largest school I'd ever seen. I already knew that being a newbie wasn't going to be easy. Especially when you're a beginner, all alone at a school where you were taught to fight. I had barely been able to find my classes and the cafeteria. Sadly, even if I had gotten here a week ago, I still had no idea what I was supposed to be doing. This place was much bigger than the place I was stationed at before. It also seemed to have more combat arenas, practice rooms, labs, and even more dormitories. It's still boggled my mind that this entire skyscraper was a fully functioning school. Let alone a super high-tech fully functioning school.

I sighed and looked down while walking as I began contemplating asking someone for help. I soon noticed my mistake when I bumped into someone. I let out a surprised noise while looking up to meet a pair of soft hazel eyes. I jumped away from the person and quickly began apologizing while looking away. This seemed to have earned me a laugh in response. I slowly looked up and noticed that it was the laugh of the person that I had accidentally bumped into. His dark brown hair was pulled back into a very small ponytail and stray strands of it hung in his face. His light caramel-colored skin looked smooth to the touch aside from the small visible scars on his biceps.

At first look, this guy looked like a regular jock. On top of that, he seemed to be older than me. That could both end up being a  good thing and or end up being my last few minutes alive. I slowly relaxed when I noticed the smile on his lips. His smile was bright and joyful, two rare emotions that I'd hardly seen on anyone since this damned war began. "It's okay, dude. It was an accident" He said with a smoky tone of voice that I had never heard before. I slowly nodded as he continued to talk. "You can call me Al, by the way. It's nice to meet you" he greets and I shyly nod.

"I'm Xander and still very sorry for bumping into you" I mumbled and his smile widened.

"Well since you seem to be new, Welcome to WWA dude" he greets while motioning to the building.

"WWA?" I asked with a confused tone. The guy before me nodded and motioned for me to follow before he began walking. I hastily followed him until we were walking at the same speed.

"It stands Wisdom and Weapons Academy. The founders used one of the old biotech buildings that were left barely standing during this jacked-up war to build this place to what it is now. This place is basically like a boarding school and a military academy all in one" he explains. The hall we walked down had glass windows that reached from floor to ceilings. The windows were clear and let sunlight into the building and exposed the landscape to the onlookers. In the few seconds of walking, I noticed badges of different colors and varieties were displayed on the other student's clothing and or accessories.

"Those badges represent our ranks. They are there to show our progress throughout our training and studying. We make our own teams and decide what everyone's position on the team will be. Do you remember those video games that gave you choices on what to be in the party? You could be a soldier, a mage, an archer, and ect. Well, here you can choose whether to be a field agent or a home-based agent" he began explaining before I could ask any questions. I nodded and continued to marvel over the place.

"What are you?" I asked curiously. The male turned around and gave me a weird look.

"Human. Why? Don't I look it?" He asked in a joking manner. I rolled my eyes at him and looked at him with an "Are you kidding?" look.

"What I meant was, are you a field or home-based agent?" I questioned and he chuckled softly and smiled.

"I'm a field agent. But field and home-based agents go down further than that. You can be a field agent and be a weapons specialist, a medic, and or a hand to hand combat specialist, a field logistics expert. You know, those guys who are always behind a computer making sure that the agents don't walk into immediate crossfire. Lastly, you could also be a vehicle expert, basically, the people that are in charge of getting us field agents the hell out of a bad situation and or back home after a mission. You can take one position and stick with it, and or take two. Which is twice the work but if you can roll with it then it's pretty cool," he informed with a shrug. He brushed the stray hairs that were too short to fit in the small ponytail behind his ears and sighed. "Sadly, if and when you get injured in a battle your entire team is literally put on hold for missions until that one teammate heals up properly," he said while stopping in the middle of the hallway.

"Where are we just supposed to be going?" I finally found myself asking and he looked up and face-palmed.

"We were supposed to be going to meet my team... I kinda forgot where it was that we all agreed to meet" he mumbled sheepishly. I quickly became confused as I looked at the man before me.

"Wait, does that mean you're-"

"Going to ask you to join our team? Maybe. But it also depends on if the team agrees. That's why I was looking for our meeting spot which as you can see, didn't very much work out," he admits with an irritated sigh. In the clumsiest way, I thought possible, I had already met someone that didn't find me weird or awkward. After being here for a week, I just decided to count that as a big win for me. I don't know what tempted me to do so, but I started to take mental notes of this guy. Just from meeting him in these short moments, I found out that he was not only a forgetful dude but also very goofy. He also seemed like a good person overall, but then again, I had only just met him.

A ringing noise seem to be the only thing that brought both of us back to reality. Al shoved his hand in his sweatpants pocket to pull out a wristband. He placed it on and pushed one of its buttons making a hologram appear in the space in front of us. We both quickly took notice of the guy who looked clearly pissed.

"Where are you?" He asked with a low voice. Al cringes slightly and smiles sheepishly at the hologram.

"I was actually on my way to find you guys..." He mumbled and watched as the guy closed his eyes and let out a deep sigh.

"You forgot the location again didn't you?" He asked and the poor boy nodded.

"Dammit Al... Conference room C15. And hurry it up, we have training in thirty" he commands through gritted teeth and then hangs up. He sighs and turns to me as I look at him in confusion.

"That's Max... He's got a temper on him. And most of it's directed towards me" he says as he begins walking. I jog after him and soon start walking at his side.

"Max..." I whisper to myself. For some odd reason, that name sounded familiar but I couldn't tell from where.

"Does he have something against you? Or did you do something to him?" I asked and watched as Al shook his head.

"He's been like that since I met him on my first day. And that's saying something cause my first day was three years ago" he mumbled as he stopped in front of a metal door. Al quicklime turned to face me and gave me a big warm smile. "Ready to see your possible new teammates?" He asked. I gulped and stared at the door intensely.

"As ready as I'll ever be" I mumbled. Through that door might be my potential teammates. I was just hoping that they accepted me.

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