Chapter 2

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"What did you say?" I ask him leaning out hoping I could hear him better.

"Nothing. Well, I'll see you tomorrow." And with that, he shoots up and shuts the window.

'Jerk! I thought you said you wanted a conversation.'

I sigh and shut my window. I latch it and walk over to my bed. I was just about the lay down when someone knocks at my door.

"Yes?" I say dryly.

"Food is ready." My mom pokes her head in through the door.

"When did you get home?" I say walking around my bed to stand a few feet away from her.

"A while ago." She says as she opens the door wider.

"Oh." I turn around and walk over to my closet.

"Are you going to come down and eat?" I hear her say as I open the door and run my hand through my clothes.

"No. Not tonight." I sigh. I hear the door close just as I pull a shirt off a hanger.

Once I gathered everything I needed I head over towards the bathroom. Once I walk in I cut on the shower to let the water heat up. When it does I get in. After a few minutes, I'm done and back out again.

I wipe away the fog on the mirror as I pop open my toothpaste tube and squeeze it out on my toothbrush.

After I was done with the bathroom I head back into my room and crash onto my bed like before.

"So soft...." I sigh as I run my hand along the fabric.

I turn myself around and look up at my ceiling. I zoned out looking at the stars and at some point, I fell asleep that way.

My alarm went off jerking me awake. Like normal I grab one of my pillows and throw it at the alarm. I snap awake when I hear a crashing sound.

"Shit!" I immediately jump out of bed and over to the broken pot. "I'm sorry. I wasn't aiming at you." I pick up the plant as I glare that the still ringing alarm clock. I repot the plant and stop the alarm. I look down at the dirt on my floor and decide to just clean it up when I get back home.

I quickly change and get my stuff together. Once I had my backpack on I head out. When I make it down the stairs I am met with my mom holding out a stack of pancakes.

"Not hungry," I say trying to pass her.

"Again?" She says taking a step in front of me
blocking my way out. "At least grab one."

"I'm in a hurry," I say waiting for her to move.

"Then eat it on the way." She pushes the plate towards me and I quietly sigh before grabbing one.

I shoot out of the house the second she is out of my way. I look down at the pancake as I make my way on the sidewalk. I nearly crash into someone while I wasn't looking up. Luckily, I caught on to something coming close alerting me just in time to stop before touching it.

"Not paying attention to where we are going are we?" I look up to see my neighbor, Toof.P, smiling his ass off.

"Being annoying as usual are we?" I snap back in the same tone he had, but harsher.

"Ooo chill. Someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed. Oh, wait. That's just you." He says walking beside me. I throw him a glare. "So is that your breakfast?" He says point at the pancake in my hand.

"You can have it," I say throwing it at him. Lucky for him, he catches it.

"Mmm make it yourself?" He asks after taking a bite of it.

Baby's Breath  || Uni5 Toof.PWhere stories live. Discover now