New Beginnings Ch.1

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A/N: Hello everyone and welcome to my first ever fanfic. I really do hope you guys enjoy it and yeah let's get to it.

You are saying your goodbyes to your mother and your two siblings. Yes your sad to go but today is the day you leave to London for TATINOF. Today is truly the happiest day of your life.You are going to meet you friend at the building because she lives in London and is a total Phan just like you.

Your point of view

"Oh don't worry mom it will only be for two months." you say to your now sniffling mother. "Oh I just can't believe my baby is all grown up and is leaving all the way to London. I am going to miss you so much." You laugh at the thought that you were going to meet your idols, the one and only Dan and Phil. You had dreamed about this day for your entire life since you discovered them in 2012. Once you did you developed a huge crush on Dan.

"Aw don't worry mom you with have these little brats to keep you company." you say as you ruffle their soft long brownish black hair God they really needed a hair cut. "We are really gonna miss you sissy!" cried my brother Evan. I smiled and started to tear up while giving them a tight hug and kisses on their red cheeks. They were pretty much like my children because i was the one that raised them and protected them from your mother. Once your dad passed away she would go out all the time and do drugs and always came home drunk. She would even try to beat the little eight year olds but you would take the beating for them. "Now boarding the plane for London, England. Thank you for taking American airlines. Please enjoy your flight." You turn to board your plane when your mom grabs your shoulder tightly. "You better come back the day you are supposed to or I will go and drag you back here myself. Do u hear me?" she said with a deadly glare. "Y-yes ma'am." I say in a scared tone with my face in shock. The twins were about to cry when they saw this but I nodded and smiled to show them I was okay.

~short time skip brought to you by bunchee the rainbow llama~

Once I had gotten everything set and I was walking to the plane I decided I would vlog a bit to help out my channel a bit since I only had a couple hundred subscribers. "Whatsup people today I decided that I would take you through my shitty life today. Yay!" I laugh while making my best sad face. I suddenly realized that I was about to miss the flight so I filmed myself sprinting to the plane while a tall man with gorgeous brown hair ran passed me getting on to my plane. I hand my ticket and rush to what I thought was my seat. ( A/N: If you haven't noticed I have never been on an airplane.) as you are putting you r carry on up top you sit for only a few seconds until a familiar voice called you,
"Ma'am I believe that is my seat." you recognized that loud British voice. You turn your head a see that that you are face to face with the man of your dreams Dan Howell. You start you blush a deep crimson only to find out he noticed. You awkwardly laugh and turn away until he speaks again. "OMG! You're yt/n. I am a huge fan.  Your are a lot prettie...erm.....funnier in person hehe." he looked down while blushing while scratching his neck and I couldn't help but smile to myself knowing that I was my idol's idol. We chatted and chatted all the way through the flight until I got tired and fell asleep. But what I didn't know was that I had fallen asleep on dan's shoulder. This was the start of new beginnings.

Dan's point of view

"Bye Tyler! Hope to see you at TATINOF!" I yelled before going to my car. "See ya Danyul. Remember be careful with those whisks." he said while shuttering at those words. I just laugh and drive off to the airport so I can catch my flight back to London. I was only in L.A. for the week to catch up with some friends. Phil stayed in London because he is that big of a lazy ass. While I was driving I started have my daily existential crisis. ~Woo-hoo~. I got so caught up in questioning my existence I didn't notice that my flight would be departing soon so I sped down the road toward the airport and got a parking space. Once that was done I sprinted, er more like quickly jogged towards my plane when I see a beautiful girl with
h/l h/c flowing behind her as she too sprinted except she was actually fast. I couldn't see her eyes because she was wearing some big dark sunglasses. I wonder if she is going to London too! I hope so..... No Dan bad. But I hope I see her again. I go to my seat only to find a very familiar sight that I could have sworn I saw not to long ago. I have, it was that girl. I told her, "Ma'am I believe that is my seat." then she turned around and I knew she was not just an ordinary girl. She was the one and only y/f/n. I loved her YouTube. channel and kind of have a huge crush on her. Once she realized she was staring at me she started to blush a deep red. In all honesty I just made her look even more beautiful than she already was. She started to do an awkward laugh to show that she was embarrassed. So being the awkward piece of shit I am I decided that it would be a great idea to let out py inner twelve year old fangirl and start to squeal. "OMG! You're yt/n. I am a huge fan. You are even pretti... Erm...funnier in person Hehe." Wow smooth Dan real smooth. She probably thinks I'm weird. Dammit. Oh thank God. She smiled. She is so pretty. Yes, I kinda had a crush on her but she doesn't like me. I can not even classified as a trash can, because I am a fucking trash can't. Oh well may as well make small talk. After a long chat about YouTube she started to doze off. Eventually she fell asleep on my shoulder.
The Y/N L/N is asleep on my shoulder!!! This might be the start of some great new beginnings.

~to be continued~

A/N: hello humans, yes I know I have been on Wattpad for a while now and I couldn't find the time to write this chapter but I hope to make more un the future if you like this for some reason so yeah peace out rainbow trout!

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