Chapter 11

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Taylor and I put a pause to texting each other for a few hours so we could get things done. He went to Dave's with the kids for a while to work on some band related things. I finished making the kids lunches and poured a glass of red wine to help soothe the pain of marking. Being a music teacher is amazing and I rarely have to mark anything but when I do, it's so time consuming and boring. Every once in a while though, I can't help but laugh at some silly responses from the kids. I looked at the time to check how long I've been doing this for and it was only 7:15 which meant it's only been 5 minutes since I started.

This lot of marking is especially difficult to stay invested in because I can't stop thinking about Taylor. Maybe talking to him will make me feel better so I texted him.

R: Could really do with a distraction right now

T: What could be so dreadful that you reach out to me to keep you entertained?

R: Marking. Enough said. How was Dave's?

T: Good, we just got home. Everleigh crashed about half an hour ago and even Anabelle fell asleep in the car which is rare.

R: She must be beat after today

We texted some more until before I knew it, all the marking was done and the kids were asleep on the couch in front of the tv. I shook them a little to wake them up. They're to big now for me to carry them to their rooms. Alex gave me a kiss on the cheek and went straight to bed. Izzy grabbed my hand and we walked to her room. She crawled into her bed and I tucked her in. Before closing her eyes, she starred into mine.

"I love you mom."

"I love you to. You have no idea how much." I leaned in and kissed her forehead. When I sat up, her eyes were closed and she already appeared to be in a deep sleep. I went into check on Alex. When I opened the door he was laying on his side, sound asleep. I stood at the doorway, thinking about the good things in life. My kids have bought me so much joy amongst all the pain. I'm so thankful. I went back to my phone and texted Taylor.

R: Do you ever just look at your kids and feel so blessed?

I put my phone back down and cleared the table of marked papers.

T: Everyday of my life. You don't really want them to grow up because lets face it, teenagers hate their parents.

R: Not every teenager.. lets stop talking about them being teenagers, I don't want to think about that.

T: Okay okay what do you want to talk about instead?

R: How about.. the reason you wish I wasn't working tomorrow?

T: That's obvious isn't it?

R: I want you to tell me.

T: After the kids are dropped off, I drive over to your place without warning. You open the door and you're speechless because you had no clue I was coming over. I step inside and kiss you on the cheek.

R: That's kind of you.

T: I'm not done. We watch a movie, a documentary, comedy, Queen live aid, something like that. During the movie, my hand is on your thigh, getting higher and higher up.

R: I see where this is going.

T: I don't think you do. We finish the movie and go out for lunch because we can't do a dinner date. After our lovely lunch date, we get ice cream and eat it on the beach.  We go back to yours and well I can't tell you what would happen next.

R: Why not?

T: Because it all depends on how the date goes plus I don't want you getting turned on without me there to take care of it.

R: Is this your way of suggesting a date?

After I sent that last message, a call came through from him. I answered straight away.

T: What do you say? Would you like to go on a real date with me?

R: I'll need some time to think about it

After I said that his tone changed so quickly. He went really quiet and even his voice sounded sad.

T: Oh, um, ok then. It won't be very fancy but it will be fun

R: Hm I'll get back to you on it tomorrow

T: Sure take your time, I'm not rushing you

R: I was just messing with you. Of course I would like to. Why did you call me to ask?

T: So I could ask you properly even though it's not in person but I wanted to hear your expression

R: When is this date going to be?

T: I was thinking Frid- shit Rose it's been a week

I had to think about what he was talking about for a second.

R: No way it feels like longer! Can you believe that a week ago I didn't even know you existed

T: Wow thanks

R: Honesty is the best policy my friend

We talked on the phone until I was falling asleep. We said goodnight  back and forth for a while and I hung up. I put my phone on my bedside table and fell asleep almost instantly. What a week...

Hmm let's see where this could lead 🤔

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