Chapter 4

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As the assembly finished up and the classes were dismissed by level, Liv couldn't help herself from searching the crowd for her angel- no- Eric.

"Please tell me you aren't searching for Harry Potter," JJ whined as he dragged her away from a stampede of junior girls who would have completely run her over.

"He does not look like Harry Potter! He just has that same dreamy accent. And either way, I'm not looking for him!" She told him as she yanked him out of the way of another group of girls.

"Jesus Christ, for there only being about 250 kids at this school we sure are lucky to not have been trampled. But good, I don't get a good vibe from him." He finished as he continued to scan the surroundings for anymore immediate threats.

"You just don't like him because he's almost as attractive as you are," Liv said as she hip-checked him.

He rolled his eyes as he held his hand up to his chest. "Him? As attractive as moi? I think not silly girl, all those vegetables have gone to your head."

"Shut up," she answered with an eye roll, but she could still feel the heat flooding her face. Even though JJ was the only one who knew how much effort it had taken for her to get where she was, he still managed to joke around without making her feel bad about herself.

"So what is your first class? We've been so distracted with so much other stuff recently we haven't really had time to talk about it," she asked him, skirting around the fact that the other stuff had, in fact, been her stuff.

He pulled out his schedule and began to study it, flipping it upside down then looking at it from different angles, teasing her throughout al of it. "Golly gee, I just don't think I can read this ma'am. Which, unfortunately, means that I can't tell you what it is."

She lunged for his paper, but he simply held it a little further out of her reach every time she got close.

"Screw you. I guess I won't tell you the big news that I got this morning," Liv told him as she began to saunter away from him.

"What big news? I've heard nothing of this." He answered, finally enraptured with whatever she  had to say.

"A certain girl you know and love may or may not have gotten an email from a certain very popular publishing agency."

"No fucking way," he answered as he stopped walking in the hallway, "you're messing with me, aren't you?"

She gave him a devious smile then shrugged her shoulders as she sighed, "I suppose a certain girl will just have to tell someone else in her first class."

"Damn it Liv. My first class is AP Lit, now Lucy you got some splainin to do," he finished in a Desi accent.

But instead of answering she began to weave in and out of the masses that were heading to and from their classes attempting to avoid collision with anyone. And as soon as she made it to her home room to collect her books she quickly bounced back out and began flouncing down the hallway.

She could hear JJ scurrying behind her and was relishing in the fact that he was finally not calm and collected about something. She had always felt so powerful when he dropped is suave act and got so real with her, it was one of her favorite things about him.

She continued to waltz down the hallway towards her English class, which just so happened to be the same one JJ was heading to. But before Liv could make it in the door she felt an arm grab her as it pulled her into the tiny corner that was nestled between the classroom and the stairwell that led back upstairs.

After a few moments JJ was standing close in front of her, his arms propped up against the sides of her. She was suddenly hyper aware of the fact that she could see all of the muscles underneath the shirt that he had chosen to wear that day, and she also noticed the strong smell of cologne that was radiating off of him. She wasn't overpowered by it though, it simply wrapped around her like her bed after a long day out.

But before she could think about telling him the news she looked up into his eyes and got lost in the millions of colors that were swirling in the brown when the light hit them. And she had previously thought that fluorescent lights couldn't make anything beautiful.

After staring into his eyes she then trailed down to his lips, which suddenly seemed so close to hers. And then, before she could think about what she was doing, she was slowly closing the gap between them. However, before she could move much closer the bell rang, shaking both of them from their stupid.

Liv and JJ ran into their class, neither able to get the previous moment out of their minds, but neither realizing the fact that they had both leaned in.

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