Chapter 6

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"Okay everyone!" Ms. Parker started as she waved everyone to get to the front of the stage, "I want you all to sit on down while I explain our first game of the year."

"We will be doing quite a few of these improv games as the year goes on, but this one is always one of my favorites to watch. We are doing the taxi cab!"

Liv cheered with everyone else at the announcement of their theatre game. The taxi was an easy game, especially for people who got nervous or who were new to the theatre world. It made it easier to be yourself around the people who you would be spending time with.

She thought about her first year, and how she was still get butterflies even after 4 years of being in the class. The first character she had to be was an annoyed, pessimistic sister- and she pulled it off well! But by the time she had gotten into character it was time to switch to the next one, but eventually she had gotten better at it.

"Okay so I need 4 volunteers!" Parker said as she stared down at the class in front of her, shaking Liv out of her flashback.

"I want you." She said pointing to Liv.

"Andddddd you." Pointing to Kara, a girl who Liv had been in the class with for two years.

"Hmmm I want you newbie." Pointing to Eric.

"And Carter get up here!" She shouted as she jumped off the stage to allow the four students she chose to take her place.

The class watched as Liv and the other students got 2 chairs and a table to set up as their taxi on stage. They sat the table in the back, since it was taller, and took their places in the cab. Liv taking the drivers seat, her favorite seat.

"Okay now what do we want these guys to be? Anyone have any ideas?" Parker asked to the class, but they could already see the wheels turning in her head and knew to leave her be. Well... all but one knew the look.

Eric raised his hand from the stage, oblivious to the fact that this was not what he was supposed to do. And, after not getting her attention, coughed quietly to attempt to get her attention.

"Do you have a cold?" Parker asked Eric as she finally glanced up at him.

Eric raised his eyebrow and allowed his confused mindset to show on his face. "No, I was simply curious if I could offer up an idea for a character."

The rest of the class snickered around him, besides Liv, who knew what it was like to not know what was going on. And she could tell from the look that Parker was wearing that he was about to be in for a rude awakening if his idea didn't meet the standards of Parker.

Parker waved her hand as a gesture for him to speak, and he did oblige.

"I was thinking that their could be a parent in the car with the two kids and that the parent was in love with the driver." He responded, ignoring the whispers being shared about him.

"Interesting..." Parker started as she trailed off, thinking, "but I think we can do better."

"So Liv is our driver and she is going to have a problem with breaking things, and I mean EVERYTHING. Interpret that as you will."

"Carter's spot will have an oversensitive sense of smell, again, have fun with it."

"Kara, your spot will be a control freak. Take everything seriously."

"And Mr. Eric's spot..." she started as she narrowed her eyes to look at him, "will be a person afraid of everything who is currently madly in love with the driver. And I put a lot of emphasis on both of those aspects."

Liv took a moment to compose herself, letting herself become the driver who couldn't seem to keep anything in one piece. She imagined a life for them and pictured everything that they would do and kept doing until she heard Parker yell "Scene!".

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