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1. One character limit. You may only have one character.
2. Hate the dragon/human not the roleplayer
3. No gory details or smut. (This rule was stolen from Quick.)
4. Only bully other characters with their permission.
5. This is not a Wings of Fire roleplay. You can make dragon types similar to them but not directly that tribe.
6. No cussing. You may sensor it with using * or just use a v instead of a u. Or a ! Instead of a i. You get it.
8. You must be active!
9. The human does not speak dragon. Don't try to if you want to play the human. They may communicate, but not with words.
11. The password is the numbers I missed (Its very common) pm them to me.
12. If you are not active for a week, you will be kicked.
13. Role play in third person, for example,
InterSeer gave a roar of triumph. Not
I roared in triumph. This is a third person Role play.
14. Break any of these rules three times and you are kicked. To be replaced or forgotten entirely.
15. If you want, (I mean, I don't care.) You can 'date' other roleplayers dragons. As long as you have their permission.
16. Don't add random things. This is a series roleplay.
17. Last rule, no making your own chains. This is a chapter Role play. You go with one chain and stick with it. You don't start in till I post the main chain up.

Safe driving.

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