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"Can't believe am pregnant , what am I going to do, he raped me and now I am pregnant raped me and took my innocence. Now how will I face my father ? l am now am carrying a bastard child. who will want me now ?who will want are used woman and pregnant how will I cop with this humiliation , how will society look at me being African American Who I wanna I woman means you have traditions norms and customs you must flow and one of them is to stay virgin and get pregnant when your married cause society will Shan you even your own family disowns you it just an heard of though I was raped it will not count that means left home when m I'm not supposed to hence my demise in Africa girls taught and groomed to be house wives they teach you to clean cook take house hold and your in-laws and your facial beauty and your general appearance they won't teach you to drive oh allow you to work or go to school most of that is offered to boys and now am pregnant Samantha Peirce sobbed into her best friend shirt , Camy was of American decent she had long blonde straight hair and green eyes who had been her best friend for as long as she can remember making them partically sisters for this reason Samantha knew she was right person to ask

"Well first of all, you need to calm down and relax it is not the end of world you just pregnant we can make it through this."

"No you don't understand am my parents are stanch Africans and believe in the traditional way of doing things first you visit your family with the man you tend to marry, second they make their demands then the introduction ceremony then finally the wedding now am pregnant that means I have no honour and woman with out that is as good as dead in Africa cause no man will marry you become a disgrace to woman hood so I can't go home now ."

"But Sammy who will protect and defend your sister and mother while you are away , not mention still figuring out your life , you don't have a job and still live off your parents if you don't go home where will you stay? Camy asked with concerned looks in her eyes

"I will manage , I have to manage however difficult it may be I need to manage cause there is no way am going home ."

Sammy I get your afraid but you need to think things through Camy said

No am leaving this horrid town am tired of being treated like a piece of shit and there is nothing you are going to say to change my mind Samantha said packing her bags

"But Sammy where will go." Camy said blocking her way out

"I will figure it out ."Samantha said

"No I won't let you, you have just turned eighteen and never been on your own ,so I can't let you do this." Camy protested unpacking Samantha neatly folded clothes from her bag

"Stop unpacking my clothes , you don't understand they will disown me and throw me out on the street the best thing to do is leave this recheted town." Samantha protested

"Are you crazy , you have no job what will you do for money being pregnant and fact that you have never lived on your own ."

"I don't know but I know I have to leave this town , oh I will loose mind ." Samantha said holding her head in frustration with stress lines clearly seen in her features

"Fine ,calm down , I will help you ." Camy said embracing her in hug

"Finally calm, Camy offered her a thousand dollars to start her life a new .

"Thanks allot will be going now." Samantha said and her and her friend shared one last hug and

Off she went running out door in her ball gown her chocolate brown hair styled in a Victorian French do in her feet she wore worn out slippers her face read of despair as tears escaped her hazel eyes panting And out of breath Samantha kept running her feet hurt but she knew that she would be domed if she stopped.

Finally reaching the train station Samantha Peirce held her worn out tarted brown slippers and began dragging her aching feet her white ball gown was torn and tarted had been covered in mud she continued through a sea of people who had been crowding the train station in a waiting the next train to arrive

Dragging her herself and her luggage Samantha finds seat on a park bench her mind drifted to back to awful moment she was raped the images of the muscular hands tracing all corners of her body and awful moment that monster of man devoured her innocence rubbing her hands disgustedly over her body felt impure un Holy ,dirty in complete and un deserving of love she just wanted to die tears roll down her face she wondered what she could of done for her to deserve such a fate as tears continued to flow from her eyes and now because of a shell of man Samantha had to leave her home oh risk loosing her baby or worse hanged not even her family would vouch for her since she was pregnant didn't know the child of her father .

In Cestone a pregnant woman without a husband was seen tainted woman undeserving of love and affection knowing this girl's were groomed from childhood never to get pregnant or loose everything they hold dear such women were known as "Cursed." and would never return to their homes cause the whole town gather is an angry mob with pitch forks and lit fire sticks would hunt them down with desire of ending their lives cause their impurities nature would mean bad luck for the town and bad harvest the need of their death

Knowing this Samantha knew there was only one place should go to Lexus ville a small town in northwest London were she could start a new
since no one knew her there though thought of her living her child hood home brought tears to her red rimed hazel eyes the thought of leaving her mother and her sister to the mercy of her father's wrath Samantha's Father was always useless drunk and an abusive husband that used beat up her mother whenever he came home reeking of alcohol and being a drug addict to heroin didn't help because every time he reached home drunk he would throw empty alcohol bottles on to floor and head towards his couch and demanded for his food just like possessive husband would and whenever he didn't get his way he would beat up Samantha's mum Jenifer Wild to pulp so thought of leaving her mother and her sister didn't settle well with her but she knew she had no choice but to do it

wiping her eyes clean Samantha turned her head to notice the train to with her torn slippers in her her hand Samantha holds on to her dress and ren in a lady like fashion in a bid to catch the train noticing her the train waited for her to get on board

The train conductor called out one last time for passengers who where going to London in an old Victorian British accent and said

"Hear hei hear hei, the train to London leaves in five minutes those who wish to go to London get on board now."

On hearing that all people who wished to go to London got on board
Finally shutting the train doors the
Train began it's long journey to London

Sitting by window Samantha viewed her child hood home for one last time all momeries of her child hood began playing in her mind ,but one in particular stood out her mind traveled back to her sixteenth birthday party she had always wanted pair of new slippers but family was too poor to afford her pair but to her surprise her parents saved for almost year to get her the pink slippers she had always wanted although I did not have much and it was her only pair she loved them so dearly though they were tarted and torn now she still loved them just same and they were the only thing she had to remind her of home placing her fingers on them she wondered if she wondered ever see her family ever again.

And her best friend Camy who had always supported her through all tries and tribulations in her life now she was off to new world she knew nothing about and it terrifies her but she had no choice but to brave the situation and just like that she was off to London with no clue of where she was going and where she would stay or what she would for money

As you  take this  journey of love mystery and desire I want all my readers to know  that I value your  opinion and mean a lot  where ever you sitting or standing you mean a lot me  your insight however small gives the strength to write on so please comment  about your initial thoughts  on the opening chapter don't forget  to vote my lovelies  and with  I will  convinced to write more content

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