Night of the living mutants part 2(the antidote)

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(lloyd p.o.v)
an army of mutants are coming to us from every direction i had only one idea in my mind i whistled to bring shock(my skrill),i thought we were goners but shock blasted a lightings for the sky scaring the mutants away even promina 
(promina)this is not over i will come back you will be on my side(then she ran away)
(pixal)so what do we do now? 
(lloyd)we gather the ingredients for the cure
(hurami)but we don't know where is the list
(lloyd)i figured out where it is,now let's go to the temple

(hurami p.o.v)
me and lloyd are on shock flying to the temple the gang are on their cars,we reached the temple in 3 minutes
(hurami)ok lloyd where do you think the list is hidden?
(lloyd)look at the picture at the wall 
i looked at it,it was a the moment were me and lloyd were riding shock,lloyd spotted a small hole in the picture,he placed his hand inside it and pulled a piece of a paper from the picture
(kai)good thinking lloyd
(skylor)yeah way to go lloyd
(lloyd)thanks guys,now lets see it says"the ingredients for the cure is hidden in ninjago ,the first riddle is a element that only goes forward not back,flies without wings,fix it at 12 and the riddle is done"
(zane)i got it,it's time,the clocktower
(jay)guys i think we have problem
we turned our heads and saw 5 mutants at the door
(nya)they look angry
(lloyd)each 2 take out 1 mutant we need to find the cure fast before more of the shows up

me and lloyd charged at one of them,i kicked him in the face,and lloyd elbowed it in the neck making it collapse on the floor,we carried it and thrown it outside the door
(jay p.o.v)
me and nya are having a hard time fighting a mutant,i told nya to distract it while i knock it off
when nya distracted the mutant i jumped on it's head giving it a lot of hard punches it tried to grab me but i quickly jumped off his head and gave him a painful punch in the stomach,me and nya stood in front of it and kicked him together sending him flying outside the temple we turned around and saw that our friends already defeated the mutants
(lloyd) alright guys let's go 
he created 9 golden dragons for us to reach the clocktower faster,i gotta to admit the dragons were so awesome,i laughed at cole's reaction when he tried to ride a dragon he was so scared but selil encouraged him to ride it,note yourself after this terror  is over i will bring those two together,after 10 minutes we finally reached the clocktower
(lloyd p.o.v)
as we reached the clocktower i moved the hands of the clock to 12 and the clock was opened like a door and a paper has was shown along with a rainbow coloured flower,behind it a closed door,i opened the paper it says"give me a food i am always hungry,when wars or destructions takes place i am always there"
(kai):i got it,fire
(lloyd)i can do that
(hurami)lloyd can i try to do it this time?
hurami blasted a golden energy at the floor make a fire,suddenly the door opens,the fire was going to touch skylor but kai throw bucket of water
(skylor)thanks kai(kisses his cheek)
(kai)no prob
i found a green liquid in a cup and a paper saying"i can take place in any form or size,i can be found on grounds or storms"
(jay)it's water,i have some water with me 
jay placed a bottle of water near to the door making it open,revealing a rose quartz,emerald and a ruby and paper saying"mixing the ingredients to cure the mutants leader
(nya)now we have all ingredients,let's mix them 
i grab a bowl and mixed all the ingredients to one pink liquid in a thermos
(lloyd)now the hardest part is going through the mutants
(jay)now that is nearly impossible that mutant has bitten all ninjago people,you are just clam because you and hurami are the only people immune to the bite 
(nya)don't worry jay we will bring back everyone back to normal,beside having you on our side is really helpful
(jay)thanks nya(hugs nya)
(kai)take care of her jay,i'm trusting you 
(jay)i will,now let's go finish this once and for all
(???)oh really
we turned our heads to see promina alone
(hurami)we will defeat you 
(promina) lets see who will be last one standing

to be continued ...


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