Dedicated to the ones who leave to go find themselves but come back a day later because they're hungry and forgot to bring a phone charger.
1) SURPRISE! Whoops Wrong House
Home is where the heart is a phrase that I never really understood until I was on the other side of the world attempting to buy a lamington from a bakery in London.
It's the little things you start to miss when you leave home like a good home cooked meal, freshly ground coffee that always seemed to be in the air and the familiar faces of people you notice but don't really want to acknowledge because you don't want to stop and talk.
But something I definitely did not miss was the overly large crowds with overly aggressive people shoving me aside because I walk to slow.
The international pick up bay is filled with families reuniting and people rushing off to there next adventure while I just awkwardly stand and watch cars fly by.
I'm not sure if my friend still knows how to tell the time because I've been standing out here for the past 20 minutes in the completely wrong clothing for this weather.
Yes, I did, in fact, check what the temperature was going to be but apparently, it decided to be cold and rainy instead of clear blue skies.
I'm so busy turning into a human popsicle that I don't notice the person charging towards me from behind.
"MACKENZIE!" I'm attacked by someone I really hope is not a stranger and once again topple to the floor with very little grace.
I come face to face with a flustered Zoe "Oh I missed you so much! You look great and smell-"
"Like vomit." I finish "I'm very aware. The kid next to me on the flight vomited just as we were about to land and missed the bag."
Zoe takes a cautious step back. "Didn't you have a change of clothes?" She asks hauling me up to my feet.
"I had to run to the other side of the airport so I could catch my connecting flight then I shoved my bag in the above compartment where it got pushed behind someone else's bag. And before you say why didn't I ask him to give it the guy fell asleep as soon as he sat down so I was stuck next to a snoring, stinky old man for 10 hours," I'm exhausted just talking about it.
"Well, I'm here now to save you from stinky man and sick children." She says with a familiar warm smile.
"My hero" I roll the two large suitcases behind me as Zoe races away.
I almost lose her when I'm practically knocked to the floor as a family of four rush past me with baggage and trolly in hand.
Luckily I can spot Zoe's hideous fluoro green beanie across the airport and catch up with her easily.
When we stop in front of a shiny blue car my heart leaps with excitement "You got a new car? Finally!"
She shakes her head giving the car a once over "No, it broke down and is currently getting repaired. They gave me this thing that has no character as a replacement."
Ignoring her, I open the functional back door and throw my bags on the seat.
Zoe keeps glancing in my direction as we drive down the highway. Her lips are probably going have an indentation by the end of the trip because of how hard she is biting down.
"You have one question," I say wearily knowing she was about to burst if she didn't ask sometime soon.
"How are you? I haven't seen you in what, a year and a half? Things have changed, you've changed. You grew your hair long. What's been happening? Why didn't you come back soo-"
The Cookie Concept (on Hold)
Humor"I knew I shouldn't have skipped breakfast" Zoe groans sinking further into her seat. Rummaging through my bag I lay out my emergency snacks "I have cheese and biscuits, cornchip nacho flavour or if you're feeling healthy dried apple slice." "No I...