"Wattpad Contests" Sneak Peek and Q&A with @amberkbryant

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Amber K Bryant, a Wattpad Star, wrote a great piece for The Writer's Guide to Wattpad about the official contests hosted by Wattpad. Winning a contest is a major accomplishment, but there are plenty of benefits to participating even if you don't. Here's a sneak peek.


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***Q&A with amberkbryant***

What Year Did You Join Wattpad?


Why Did You Join Wattpad?

Several friends had heard about it and, knowing I'd begun to write, encouraged me to check it out.

What's Your Favorite Part About Writing?

Editing. I know that's not a popular answer, but I love crafting each line to be exactly as I want it to be. I find the process extremely satisfying.

What's Your Least Favorite Part About Writing?

Energy depletion and time management. After a long day at work on top of dealing with the responsibilities of parenthood and home upkeep, I sometimes struggle to muster sufficient creative energy. And when I do manage it, it's hard to tune out all of the other things I "should" be doing. I should clean my house, I should be engaging with my child right now, etc. It would be easier in some ways just to give it up, but I would be miserable if I did that.

What Advice Would You Give to a Writer Just Starting Out on Wattpad?

Focus on learning your craft, not on popularity and ranks. Be kind to everyone. Participate in contests and events. Be grateful for your readers, no matter if you have five or five thousand.

What Wattpad Story Are You Reading Now?

The Fallow by Fairytale_Fabler

How Do You Write?


How Much Input from Readers Do You Use for Your Stories?

Quite a lot. Readers contribute a valuable outside perspective.

What Motivates You to Continue Writing?

I can't stop the ideas from coming, and they need a place to go!

Where is Your Favorite Place to Read a Book?

Sitting in my lounge chair on my back patio.

Do You Think Technology is Making the Craft of Writing Better or Worse?

Technology is a tool, not a magic bullet. It can connect someone to resources and act as a guide, but it can't do the work for them. Technology can help, yes, but it can also hinder if it acts as a distraction.

How Do You Manage to Stay Away from Social Media While You Write? Or Is that Even Possible?

I leave my phone in another room and give myself set periods of time for uninterrupted writing.

Socks While Writing: Yes or No?

Depends on the season. Right now? Definitely not.

Where is the Best Place to Write a Book?

I haven't found it yet. If anyone would like to send me on a world tour of castles so I can test each of them out for their book-writing potential, I'm game!

Suppose You Just Inherited $1 Million. What Would You Do With the Money?

Quit my day job and use the money to enable me to write full time. I'd also donate to organizations focused on educating girls and environmental causes.

With Whom Did You Last Text With?

My mom

Smartphones: Apple or Android?


Hemingway Said to "Write Drunk, Edit Sober." What Do You Say to That?

Be uninhibited when you write. Be critical when you edit. Makes sense to me.

Do You Think Writers Should Leave Their Older Works Up on Wattpad Even if They Don't Reflect Where They are Now?

I've personally not taken work down, but I don't think anyone should feel compelled to leave up work they are no longer comfortable with.

If You Could Live Inside a Fictional World Created in a Book, Which One Would You Choose?

The Shire, but without all of that Mordor, one ring to rule them all business. Just rounded doorways, cottage gardens, and second breakfasts, please.


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