Chapter Four

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Can anyone give me inspiration?
Taro's POV:

After Budo, I went home immediately, thinking of Info-chan trying to make Budo and Ayano together again.

Yes, I know, my memory hasn't been rebooted at all and anyone who has been reading this thought that I forgot about Ayano's yandere side.

Reader, I'm warning you, things will be pretty messed up in the following chapters to come and it doesn't mean that there will be no blood shed in this story.

When I got home, I was greeted by my dear little sister, Hanako.

She was so loving about me but won't allow me to have a girlfriend cause she thought that I was gonna replace her, I can but I won't.

I won't kill my own sister so that I can have a girlfriend, I'll just kill Budo for it.

I went up to my room and changed into my pajamas and contacted Info-chan right away.


Taro: Why are you helping Budo and Ayano?

Info-chan: I have no idea what you're talking about, Mr. Yamada

Taro: Shut the formalities, I know that you're already helping Budo and Ayano to recall their past memories before Ayano decided to restart this whole nonsense!

Info-chan: I've already HELPED them, now, they remembered everything, except you being a total psyco because of Ayano

Taro: What are you going to do now?  I can kill you tomorrow, you know that

Info-chan: Just for the record, you can't kill me

Taro: I killed you the last time and I can kill you again

Info-chan: You haven't killed me that time, I was just acting

Taro: Just you wait

I'm gonna get you Info-chan but first, I need to kill Budo Matsuta!

After that, I went to bed and dreamed about me stabbing Budo and hearing him scream for me to stop, over and over and over again.

I can't wait for that day to happen and after that......



Sorry if it's short!

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