beside you

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this is so shitty and the ending got rushed im doing this for cLAUdiNe jfc ok um this is in luke's pov in second person so like he's talking to aleisha but not rly omfg does that even make sense lol whatever i'll just

o wait lol btw this is a songfic of beside you


within a minute i was all packed up,

i've got a ticket to another world.

i don't wanna go, i don't wanna go.

You looked up at me expectantly, waiting for me to explain why I had told you to meet me on such short notice. Looking into your eyes, I couldn't bring myself to tell you the news: my dream had finally come true, but some sacrifices had to be made. And my sacrifice was you.

I knew that I could've easily booked a flight to Sydney after the tour. I knew that, when the tour ended, I could come back to you. But would you come back to me? In the span of a few months, we might meet someone else and fall in love. What if, when I come back, you've already moved on? What if you've fallen in love with some other, better guy who would never leave you for some stupid dream?

I closed my eyes briefly, shaking the thought out of my head. When I opened my eyes again, your blue eyes blinked back at me. Those were the eyes that I had fallen in love with. And if I leave for tour, I might never see those eyes again. Or, at least, I might never see those eyes looking back at me with love.

I took a deep breath, bracing myself for the tears. (Mine, not yours; I knew that, after this, I would be an ugly mess.)

"I--Leish, me and the guys are going on tour with . . . with One Direction," I said, choking on my words.


suddenly words are hard to speak,

when your thoughts are all i see.

'don't ever leave,' she said to me.

"Wh-what?" you stuttered. I could see pain in your eyes, like I had broken a promise. And I had.

I remember that day clearly, when you told me not to leave you in Australia when I get famous.

I also remember clearly when I said to you, smiling, "I promise."

But, of course, neither of us ever expected that we would be faced with this situation.

"But . . . but you promised."

By then, tears were pooling at your eyes. My heart ached at the sight of you crying. Especially because I was the reason you were upset.

"'Don't ever leave.' What happened to that?"

Tears pricked my eyes.

"Leish, you--you know this is my dream. I'm sorry," I said, my voice cracking at the end. I pressed my thumb against your cheek, wiping away your tears.

"Yeah," you said eventually. "It's your dream. And I--I understand. I won't hold you back from living your dream."

I wanted to stop you from saying those things, but you continued,

"It's okay, Luke. I understand."

At your words, my heart broke. It would have hurt less if you had yelled and gotten mad at me for leaving. But you were accepting. You understood. And your words made leaving harder for me. They made everything hurt a lot more.

A tear slipped down my face.

"I'll come home soon, okay? I promise," I said, my voice thick with emotion. You nodded softly, then pressed your lips against mine for one last time.

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