Chapter 1: Fake Letter

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The rain was pouring in London, the streets by now turned into empty, grey roads. Nobody really wanted to go outside in this weather, but the few who had no other choice were dressed in long coats, holding an umbrella close to them. 

A vague figure was walking through the narrowest streets they could find. It was obvious they didn't want to be seen by the others who were hurrying themselves to their destination. It was also obvious this was no ordinary person. By the way they walked there was no way anyone would take them for something else than normal. There was one thing that made them stand out. 

One thing that made it obvious they weren't normal at all.

It was the wand that they took out every once in a while, the end of it glowing with a faint light as they moved through the dark streets. 

Two women gasped slightly when they noticed them running into an alley, but not because they had seen the wand or the light. They were afraid because of the speed and the suddenness. They were too scared to say anything and they scurried off as quickly as they could.

The figure hadn't even paid attention to the women. Had they let out frightened shrieks or shocked shouts after seeing the lighted wand, then they would've turned around and spared them a look. Maybe erased their memories to be safe.

A few streets further and they had finally arrived at the long-awaited destination. It was a small house, made of – very ugly – bricks with a very flowery garden in front of it. The different kinds of flowers looked like they were going to be dead by the next morning, the amount of rain probably drowning them.

Inside the house, all of the lights were on. Of course they were, it was five in the afternoon and it was Winter. It became dark outside very early, so the electric bills were going up this month, the need for light growing bigger as the days were growing darker. 

Inside the house, a family of five was doing their thing, the mother of the home already busy cooking some meal while three children were playing or goofing around. Just a regular home during a regular Winter.

Then what made it special enough for the vague figure to stand in front of it, ready to watch them through the windows, unseen like a shadow?


"Taehyung, sweetie, do you want to help me with cutting the carrots?" his mother called while she was focusing on cutting the paprika in her hands. 

"Can't Eunjin help you with those? I'm better with potatoes." Taehyung stated, continuing to create the perfect drawing to put on the fridge. He was going to make the prettiest one out of the three of them this time, he knew it!

"Oppa I can't!" his little sister complained. "I have an appointment with Teddy in five minutes!"

"I'll go see him, alright?" Jeonggyu grinned and before his sister could say anything he was already running towards the room the three of them shared, running because he knew their mother would eventually choose him to be the one to help her in the kitchen. None of the kids wanted to learn how to cook, all of them had way better things to do. Things like figuring out which flavour jelly bean was the best. Things like folding the fastest paper plane.

"Very well then, Eunjin, could you help me?" their mother called. Taehyung's little sister let out a defeated sigh and threw her small hands in the air. "Alright then, mommy. I'll come help you."

Taehyung smirked and pulled a victorious grin at her before turning back to his drawing. He had become better at drawing since fifth grade had started and he liked it more and more. Every week the siblings would have a little contest between the three of them and one of them would have the best drawing of the week, but eventually either all of their drawings were put on the fridge or they were put in a special album their mother kept.

Taehyung was drawing peacefully when the sound of the mailbox filled the room.

"Taehyung, sweetie, could you get the mail?"

That was a job more to Taehyung's liking. He put his pencil down and got up, walking into the short hallway – which couldn't really be called a hallway since it was that short – and saw the letter sticking out of the mailbox. Was it strange for mail to come in past five o'clock? He had no idea. He took the letter from the mailbox and looked at it, finding it was addressed to him. 

"Mom, I've got a letter!" he shouted.

"Well then, open it, sweetie." his mother called back softly, followed by a worried, "Be careful with the knife Eunjinnie, I don't want you to hurt yourself." 

Taehyung grimaced at the letter in his hands and sat down on the stairs in the hallway. The last time he had gotten a letter was when his grandpa had died. He didn't have any good memories of that letter, so he hoped this one was a lot happier than the last one.

"Mr. Taehyung Kim, the upstairs bedroom...?" Taehyung muttered, slightly confused. He shrugged at the weird address above their street name and turned the letter around to find a red stamp sealing it. He was even more surprised now, since he had never seen anything like it before. He softly touched the stamped seal and let out a soft 'woah'. 

Opening the letter seemed rather difficult without ripping the envelope, but being the kid he was Taehyung didn't really care about ripping the envelope and was soon met with pieces of ripped paper in his lap while he unfolded the letter to read it.

"We are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Please find enclosed a list of all necessary books and equipm- wait a second, what is this?"

Taehyung stopped reading and cut himself off as he for one had no idea what the next word meant and he also had no idea what he was reading. He put the letter in his lap as well and thought about it for a second, frowning at nothing in particular.

Accepted? At a school for wizardry? He hadn't signed up for anything, how could he be accepted? This had to be some joke. It had to be.
Who was it even signed by?
He looked at the end of the letter, not bothering to read anything else, and saw in pretty curly handwriting 'Yours sincerely, Minerva McGonagall, deputy headmistress'.
"Who is...?" he mumbled to himself, unable to understand why this letter had been addressed to him and why it contained so much strange information. 

Taehyung walked back into the living room and turned to his mother, who was busy cooking the meat for their dinner.

"Mom, do you know someone named Minerva?" he asked. His mother looked at him questioningly and shook her head a little.
"No, no one comes to mind really. Why dear?"
"Oh, nothing." Taehyung mumbled, already turning away from her. Even his mother didn't know about a Minerva. The letter had to be fake then, right?

"What was that letter you got?" His mother asked, her focus back on cooking the meat but still curious about the mail.
"Oh, nothing." Taehyung replied once again and his mother mentally shrugged. If he said it was nothing, it probably was. Her Taehyungie rarely lied to her after all.

Taehyung walked towards his spot in the living room where he had been drawing and as he passed by the trashcan he dumped the letter in it. 

It was a fake letter, probably a joke from one of his friends. They always pulled pranks on each other and sure enough Taehyung had been waiting for one to happen, since he had been the last one to pull a prank. This was quite a lame prank though and Taehyung was sure to rub it in his friends' faces when he would go to school tomorrow. 



Hey everyone! That was the first chapter! Our Taehyungie got a letter, but he believes it's fake. Would you have thought the same thing? 

I was thinking about all the pranks Taehyung could pull, but I ended up not writing about that. Maybe later hahaha.

I never thought I would ever write a Harry Potter fanfic, let alone one with BTS in it. It probably isn't the best story, but I enjoy writing it anyway ^^

I have no idea how often I update, but the first eight chapters are already done so I'll probably upload them soon after this chapter.

Have a very nice day everyone! Thanks for reading! You can comment about anything, stuff you'd want to happen, ideas, memories, anything is fine ^^ I promise to reply to all of it <3


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