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         Summer ho e s ™

*4 people are online*

IceCreamSundaes: Haayyyy

WindyBreeze: Yoooo

MeltingPopsicle: Hi!

SunshineOnTheBeach: Yay! Sub you're back

MeltingPopsicle: Yep, sure am :)

IceCreamSundaes: Wait!

IceCreamSundaes: Aren't we missing someone?

WindyBreeze: Oh yeah! Denis isn't here

MeltingPopsicle: What happened with him?

IceCreamSundaes: You're disgusting sickness got to him, that's what

WindyBreeze: Damnnnn

MeltingPopsicle: Rude :c

IceCreamSundaes: jk :p

SunshineOnTheBeach: He's not here because I told him to not talk to me anymore

SunshineOnTheBeach: and to not come back to the chat

MeltingPopsicle: Wow, you're mean Corl

SunshineOnTheBeach: :))

WindyBreeze: Wait, he actually listened to you?

SunshineOnTheBeahc: Yepp

IceCreamSundaes: I didn't think you were being for real

WindyBreeze: Same :/

WindyBreeze: I thought you were just playing around

SunshineOnTheBeach: Can we stop talking about Denis please?

MeltingPopsicle: Okay, then what can we talk about?

SunshineOnTheBeach: We can talk about me and Elijah's wedding ;D

WindyBreeze: Please no ;-;

IceCreamSundaes: Ooo

MeltingPopsicle: You guys had a wedding!!

MeltingPopsicle: And you didn't even invite me?! >:(

WindyBreeze: Ofc not, we didn't want your rat disease infecting everyone

MeltingPopsicle: .

MeltingPopsicle: I was just really sick .-. You guys act like I was a zombie or something

IceCreamSundaes: Well you are :)

SunshineOnTheBeach: Ooo, kill him

MeltingPopsicle: Shut up
ho e s

WindyBreeze: No u

MeltingPopsicle: Fight me bitch

WindyBreeze: Alright, let go bitch

IceCreamSundaes: Fight, fight, fight! >:3

SunshineOnTheBeach: No! Don't fight! D:

SunshineOnTheBeach: I swear, Sub if you hurt my husband I will find you and kill you and feed you to a pack of lions >:(

MeltingPopsicle: .

WindyBreeze: Oh Corl, you're so overprotective

SunshineOnTheBeach: Well anything for youuuu :)

IceCreamSundaes: Aww, this is so cute

MeltingPopsicle: Awww, you're so cute ;3

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