When they want to cuddle

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I not gonna do lotor 


Shiro loves cuddling you. On a rough day of fighting or training he just wants to cuddle with you forever. When shiro is feeling down he loves being the little spoon and having your arms wrapped around his body. 

Shiro walks through the door to your shared room. You look up at him and the look on his face tells you everything.

"Rough day?" You asked. He nodded. "Cuddle me as much as you want i'm not going anywhere" he smiled and snuggled in your neck.


As much as Keith is anti-social (so am I keith we're made for each other) outside your guys room to you he's a teddy bear. Like shiro, on a rough day he wants nothing more than the wonderful feeling of of your arms around him and he buried his face in your boobs. He will get very spoiled with you because he is so touch starved. During shiro's disapperance you were a big help because you were always there for him. When he wants to cuddle. He. Won't. Let. Go.

"Babe I love you but I need to go to the bathroom" you said.

"No" Keith mumbled into your neck for warmth. " You're warm" 

"Keith!" You complained. 

"Y/n!" He mimicked


Be prepared ok. This boy would hug you forever if he could. He loves snuggling and kissing you. Be prepared because this pretty boy will take any chances he can get. He will get very whiny until he gets his way.

"Lance, I love you but please let me go" you said. 

"No" he whined

" you're so whiny Sokka" you said rolling your eyes.

"WAIT WHAT!" He yelled.


Pidge will only cuddle when she wants to. She will just power down and crawl into your lap like a cat. But if she doesn't want to cuddle she will try to do her best to get away. 

"Pidge..." you asked the little ball of teenage angst in your lap that you called your girlfriend. "Pidgey... pidgeon....Katie....Toph?" (Sorry I'm all about avatar today apparently)

"Stay." The ball said. I smiled petting her hair.

"I'm not going anywhere" you said.


                                Here lies y/n l/n Cause of death: cuddled by hunk.

Hunk gives the best cuddles. When you're feeling down he will lock his arms around you until you're happy again. 

" hunk, I feeling better can you please let me go?" You asked. 

"No you're not you need more love" he said. To be honest you loved all the attention he was giving you. 

"I love you" you said. 

"Love you too sunshine." He said and kissed your cheek.


Allura isn't much of a cuddler but when she's in the mood she is very clingy. She will never let go until she feels like it.

"Allura, babe I love you but..." you said.

"No" was all she said before nuzzling into your neck.


unlike his sister, Matt is always down for cuddling. He loves the idea of you two in a room together with absolute silence. He loves giving you kisses and seeing your reaction.

" you're so beautiful." Matt said kissing your neck lovingly.

"Yeah, I know that, tell me something I don't know" you said in an attempt to hide your blush. 

"I love you." He said kissing your neck again. You were a blushing mess. 

"I love you too you dork." You said kissing his Adam's apple.

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