Chapter 7

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Selena Gomez has won the competition.Thank you for voting. 😁😁😁😁😁

Hope everyone enjoyed the 4rth of July.😁😁


3rd person POV

          Percy Turned around to look at who had just opened the throne room door. When percy saw annabeth he looked shocked for a second the he had a neutral expression.

              Percy didn't need to get involved with her right now. He has enough drama in the Mortal World with people trying to get him to tell them who he's dating.

Percy noticed that the room was silent, Zeus had asked him a question

"huh..."Percy said looking around "can you repeat that m'lord."

"We were asking that you explain how your careers are going so far."

Timeskip:everyone explained but Annabeth and percy.  

Annabeth's POV

"So I have designed many important buildings and right now I'm designing a church which will be located in Athens, Greece.

"Very impressive daughter of Athena, how about money wise?" Zeus asked

"I make 76,930 a year, but some projects pay me more then others ."

"Very good, now something MANY gods want to know {*cough* Aphrodite *cough*}  When is your wedding day?" That question made Zeus look uncomfortable, it made percy Stiffen and it made me blush. 

"My wedding day will be in 1 year, and everyone is invited." Percy had that look on his face that said he wasn't sure he was going to go.

{"Percy starts singing the Bruno Mars song Count on Me".....JK}

"Okay now that it is clear...Perseus tell us about that..."

Percy's POV 

"...girlfriend of your." When Zeus finished that question I wanted to die in a hole. since I had no choice I thought of something.

"Only if everyone swears to not say anything on who it is unless I say they could."

After everyone swore I said " ok don't freak out, especially you aphrodite, my girlfriend is..."I waited a few seconds for suspens to build."Selena Gomez"

"AHHHHHHhhhhhhhhHHHHHHHhHhHhHhHh" was all you heard when I finished.  Aphrodite had screamed so loud some people were on the ground holding their ears . I also think she shattered the windows. 

When stopped fangirling she started mumbling gibberish.

Everyone else looked shocked at who I was dating.

"Picture or it didn't happen!!"Leo said breaking the silence,Apollo and Hermes agreeing.

So I took out my Iphone X in gold.

         I unlocked it going to my gallery. I didn't look for a photo instead I looked for the video of when I took her out for our 1-year Anniversary. Since nobody knew we were dating I couldn't take her to a restaurant so I took her to the beach and set up a picnic.A friend was filming. when We were done and I brought my guitar out and started singing to her. She was so surprised.

 I showed them the vid and they were surprised to say the least...well most of them were. Others like amazed that i'm dating selena Gomez. When I Turned to look at annabeth I swear I saw jealousy ,but I could care less I had A perfect life so far.


Done with This Chap. Sorry if you voted for somebody else for percy to date. Everyone mentioned in the poll will be included. Thank You for reading 

  😁 😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁 

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