Chapter six

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Annabeth's POV

Time: The seven are about to be teleported to olympus.

 I really miss the rest of the seven especially percy.

         I had become one of the most famous architects here in new york. It had been three months since I saw one of the seven. I hadn't been able to contact any of them in the last two months. I have been super busy.

"Hey Annabeth you zoned out again." 

" Oh, sorry Zane" This is Zayn he's my best mortal friend. I met him when I first started we became friends afterwards.

"It's fine... are you Okay you've been zoning out a lot this week."

"I'm fine honestly, I just miss my friends from camp really."

"oh,  hey annabeth i'm sorry but I need to go something happened at home."

"Its ok Zayn."

        When Zayn left I kept thinking about the seven, thena all of a sudden I was teleported to Olympus were the gods plus the rest of the seven and Thalia and Nico. 

           I was so excited to Percy and the seven. When I turned to look at percy he looked away like he didn't want to talk to me. I could understand why, I hadn't contacted any of them in a long time. I would be mad too.

          Timeskip to when percy finished singing.

I was so surprised when percy finished singing, I didn't know he could sing this good. I wanted to talk to percy but before I knew it, it was time to go and I never got the chance too.

TimeSkip few months later

        Percy and I had officially broken up. I had never seen him so broken. I broke things off with him. I had started gaining feelings for Zayn. Zayn had also asked me out. We've been dating for two months. I had also learned from the media that Percy started dating someone. {still haven't decided who!! There will be a poll soon on who percy should date.}

"Babe, You need to check this out." Zayn said looking at the tv.

The was an interview with percy on tv.

{Imma make this simpler on me.}

P= Percy 

I= Interviewer 

I= Are you ready for the interview?"

P= I was born ready!

I= I like you enthusiasm... Ok first question many people want to know is Are you single or taken?

P= oooh we're starting with that questions ok. I can't get into detail or tell you who she is. SHe chose not to go public yet, but im taken. *puts thumbs up*

I= You hear that ladies he's taken... Next question what other languages do you speak?

P= I speak 8 other languages, Irish, Greek,Latin,Spanish,Mandarin, Italian, German, and French. 

 I didn't know Percy could speak so many languages. Especially some of the more complicated languages.

I= You speak many languages... Many of your fans wanted to know.....would you date a fan?

P= *Blushes* I would date a fan actually, it doesn't matter to me if your a fan or not, but I would date a fan.

Time skip cause I am to lazy to continue the interview.

          I dont keep up with the media to much. So I just found out that Percy has become very famous over a song called steven it a really goods song. I still want to know who percy is dating.

Time skip Before entering the throne room

    It's the summer solstice and the gods invited the seven to join. Im really excited I haven't seen the seven in a while. And I could tell them I was getting married.

   Im honestly just hoping percy wont show up since he's one of the busiest out of all of us.

         When I opened the throne room doors I realised I was the last one there. And everyone turned to look at me. I was shocked when percy turned around and telling by his expression he was shocked I was here. 


DONE....Hope you enjoyed,

I just wanted to say the the next thing I will be posting is a post on people percy should date. An on one of the chapter Percy had said that Annabeth had found someone  and he had't. That was a mistake.

And I will try to update more often since its the summer.

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