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"Are you ready y/n?" Jin said

"Of course I'm ready! I waited years for this."

He just nodded and linked his arms with mine as the wedding doors opened and the familiar music you'll hear in movies when the main character is getting married finally started.

'1 step, 2 step, 3 step, 4 step. Come on y/n you can do this it's just jungkook, Just jungkook.'

Jungkook took me away from jin carrying me to the podium waiting for the preacher to start. 

"Today we are witnessing a former playboy getting married because this girl changed him, Of course, they had a lot of challenges to get here but at least they made it. I will start now, Jeon JUngkook will you take this beautiful woman to be your wife forever until death do you apart?"

"Yes, I do.."

I had tears welling in my eyes I'm getting married to him.

"Kim Y/n will you take Jeon Jungkook to be your husband forever until death does you apart."

"Yes, I do!"

"May I have to rings please?"

Taehyung brought up the rings giving it to the preacher before going back to his seat.

"Now Jeon, Repeat after me, I, Jeon Jungkook, Take Kim Y/n to be my wife Until death does us apart."

"I, Jeon Jungkook, Take Kim y/n to be my wife Until death does us apart." He said looking straight into my eyes.

"Now Kim Y/n, Repeat after me, I, Kim Y/n, Take Jeon Jungkook to be my husband Until death does us apart."

"I, Kim Y/n, Take Jeon Jungkook to my husband Until death does us apart."

Jungkook put the ring on my finger then I put the ring on his.


Jungkook pulled me into a kiss while everyone in the chapel cheered and jump, I just close my eyes while jungkook kiss me wondering how did I ever get so lucky?


That's the end of 'Jungkook the playboy! Thank you for reading this crappy and shitty story with no plot whatsoever but thank you. I can finally end this story On a good note! See you guys in 130 degrees the story of course. BYE!

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