3 // The First Step

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The Sanctuaries were never meant to house too many people. After the revolution, no one really thought that the sanctuaries were necessary. But as it became more apparent that the peace the Faunus wanted wasn't the peace they got, the five different areas managed to gain quite a denizenship. And soon enough, what was once were five communities of a couple hundred grew into five towns with tens of thousands of people. Aria was the first Sanctuary to be founded and became one of the largest of the five Sanctuary Cities. And it would be the first one to fall.

The sky was cloudy that night. Cyril said that a storm was approaching. But besides that, it was quiet. The thirteen-year-old Arashi was sitting on the couch with his younger sister, Emelia, who wrapped herself up in a blanket burrito. After a long day of training they were watching this week's episode of their favorite anime, Starlight Brigade. The smell of homemade apple pie wafted through the house. Their mother was making apple pies in the kitchen, as his father was in the basement's weapon workshop.

I need to get out of here.

People could be heard walking outside. The usual shuffle of passersby was replaced by a more hurried rush. Their father walked into the room. He was concerned.

The sounds of gunshots could be heard from the city's walls. Arashi and Emelia get up from the couch and began to head to their rooms. It was just a Grimm attack. At least, that was what they thought until the city walls began to fall. An explosion rocks the house, and the gunshots begin to grow louder.

Arashi dashes for his bedroom, grabbed a backpack, and took what he could. His parents were waiting for them in the living room. Arashi could see the Animus in his father's hand, with a hunting rifle in the other.

"We need to go." he said, the gruffness in his voice doing little to hide his hesitation.

Arashi grabs the sword from his father's hand, and the family begins to run. His father is pulled aside by the local militia. They needed his help. At the end of their street was a massive hole in the city wall, with Grimm pouring through. Many defenders took positions in the streets, firing into the oncoming Grimm so citizens could make their escape. One of these defenders, an officer, and led them to the town's center. They've turned it into an landing zone for airships to take them to Vale. The plaza itself was crowded, with many people in their pajamas or nighttime wear. A Bullhead begins to take off, as the militia began to line people up for the next ship. Another Bullhead could be seen in the distance. The spirits of the people held high, for they knew they would be safe. Then its machine guns began to fire.

Arashi jolts up from his sleeping bag, his breathing heavy. It's been five years since he's even thought about being a huntsman. And yet... he's here. He looked to see that the sunlight was seeping in from the ballroom's upstairs windows. The sound of soft snoring and slow breathing filled the room with uniquely peaceful energy. Slowly getting out of his sleeping bag, he began to re-pack his belongings.

By the time he got back to the ballroom where everyone is being held, the lights were already out. Much of the room was already occupied, so Arashi did the best he could to find a spot in the dark.

To his surprise, Blake was next to him, curled up in a blanket with a pillow underneath her. After eating a couple of granola bars, yogurt, and a box of orange juice from inside his backpack he grabbed his gear and took a walk to the locker room. The morning air was cool, but at least the sun was out.

As he makes his way over to the locker rooms, he can't help but hear the sound of flapping wings, as a white dove lands on a tree next to him. It's pearly white feathers shine in the morning sun. It stares at Arashi, quietly cooing as he passes.

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