[localhost System Log]

152 2 0

It was seven minutes until the first shift change of the night. The personnel inside Site 14 are already thinking about what the cafeteria is serving for dinner. The last of the deliveries from Atlas came hours ago, and the day staff were all ready to head to their quarters for the night. The streets outside were quiet, even if they were on the outskirts of town. A lone motorcycle leaned against a tree. It's sleek, black body was polished and clean, with small drops of the morning's dew were still on the handlebars.

Gloria Fortis Miles

Site Security didn't know what hit them. The alarms sounded just as the security staff was beginning their shift changes. Just outside there were a pile of bodies, all unconscious. They were all guards, with one of them stripped of their uniform. The Site's security has been breached. Boots can be heard as the guards began their search. A rifle was missing in one of their storage rooms. And the scientists were already dead.

The first one to notice the missing prototypes was an intern. She was headed to their cubicle on the fifth floor when they noticed the blood in the testing range. She covers her mouth as she steps back from the carnage. Her co-workers layed scattered, riddled with stab wounds.

She could hear the alarms begin to blare outside, as the sounds of gunfire echoed off the pristine white walls of the facility's halls. She could hear the frantic voices on the radio from a dead guard in the corner of the lab. Picking it up, she could hear the chaos unfold.

"This is Senior Security Officer Harrison! Sectors B2 Left and B2 Right have been compromised! Requesting immediate back-"

The radio cuts out, as she could hear the sound of running boots from a nearby hallway.

"This is Lieutenant Clark. Backup has been dispatched. Officer Harrison, do you copy?"

They heard nothing of Harrison, before another voice cuts the radio silence.

"There's no need for that, Clark."

"Wha- Who the hell-? Identify yourself!" said the Lieutenant.

"Relax. Harrison will be fine. Though... I can't say the same for the rest of your pawns."

The radio cuts again, and this time, the radio could hear nothing but static.

Adversus et admorsus

The intern runs to the nearest window and sees that security teams have assembled outside the building, with many positioned behind sandbags and Hard Light Dust Barricades, their rifles raised in wait. Lights flooded the entrances, and a Bullhead could be heard circling the site. Officers from Vale's Police Department were also at the scene, with police taking cover behind their squad cars just outside the Site's walls. She could feel the grip on the pistol tighten. She took it off of a dead officer's hand, and hers were still shaking.


The intern whirls around, and points it at the girl who standing at the door. The other girl was taken aback, and raised her hands up.

"Holy shit, don't shoot!"

Jaeda blinks, and slowly lowers the gun. "Cerise? What the hell are you doing here?"

"I'm here to get you out of here, dammit. When the alarm went off, I saw that you weren't evacuating with the rest of us." said Cerise, her hands slowly falling to her side.

"What's going on?" asked Jaeda. "I thought you got Dez through?"

"I did." said Cerise. "I was monitoring his progress over the security cameras. He wasn't the one who triggered the alarm."

"What do you mean?"

"One of the laser tripwires was triggered near the west wing, nowhere near his entrypoint."

Jaeda could feel a chill creep up her spine. She and her lab was on the opposite side of the facility.

"Cerise, when the alarms went off, someone already stole the prototypes."

"What?!" she whisper yells, before turning to look at the blood-stained floors of the lab. "Holy shit..."

"We can go over all of this with Ari in the debriefing. Right now, we have to go. Like, now." said Jaeda, the gun still shaking a little in her hands.

Praelium in tenebris

No one expected the lights to go out. But they were prepared for it. At least, they thought they were. The floodlights were connected to outside generators, and the Bullhead outside had their own separate spotlights. And then they saw nothing. Across the four entrances of the site, all their floodlights exploded, cutting and scratching the security personnel before scattering on the floor. Then they heard an explosion.

"Mayday! Mayday! This is Talos 1 to Command, we're experiencing engine failure on the left wing!"

Looking up in the sky, the guards below could see the Bullhead's left engine began to spew smoke, as the airship begins to go into a flat spin, and bursts into flames as it hits the ground.

Abhorred by the sight, they were distracted as a hooded figure jumps from the roof, and begins to charge the barricades. Vaulting over the sandbags, they catch one of the officers square in the chest with a kick. They both land on the ground, with the hooded figure grabbing the pistol from the officer's holster, and placing a bullet into both officers next to him before finishing him off. Not to lose momentum, they rolled off of the downed guard and made a break for the gate. Only then did they see the squad cars, and their weapons.

"Freeze! Vale PD!"

The megaphone signaled the cops to raise their weapons, as the hooded figure stopped and slowly raised their hands.

[[ktOS v1.27]]




"Drop the Scroll!"

The man's scroll was still in his hand, the light still radiating off of the screen. The figure was surrounded.

[[ktOS v1.27]]



[[AUDIOCITY v1.03]]

[There are [24] connected devices within range.]



"Can't you hear me? Drop the Scroll! NOW!"


Vivere in lumen

A sharp, piercing, and static-like screech tore through the megaphone, as the officer's radios, and earpieces joined in the brutal cacophony. The lights from the officer's gun-mounted flashlights lowered as they tried to stop the noise. It felt like it would go on forever, and even after they removed their earpieces, they could still hear it. And when they got over the initial shock, it was already too late. The hooded figure was gone. And in the treeline in the distance, the motorcycle was gone too.

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