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Disclaimer: I don't own anything. I wish I did, I really wish I did.


It's a short kiss, but it's sweet. Then we walk back into the room holding hands.

Piper's POV


Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes! Percabeth is holding hands! Percabeth probably just had a moment! Percabeth is finally together! YES! MY OTP!

Wow, I am fangirling way to much right now. But how can I stop? They are sooo cute together. And I love how they're both blushing a bit. It makes them look even cuter, if that's even possible. Wait till I tell the rest of the Aphrodite cabin that Percabeth is a thing now!

Looking at them makes me think of Jason. Jason, the guy I have liked since like, the beginning of time! I swear, I have. No! You can't be thinking about Jason like that. He is your best friend. And he probably likes someone else. Probably some other Aphrodite girl who's prettier than me.

I shake away that though because it's probably just going to make me feel horrible. And I'm in the middle of a game of Truth or Dare. "Annabeth, it's your turn." I say.

"Oh yeah, right. Um... Bruce, Truth or Dare?" she asks while looking at him.

"I think the safest choice, for me, would be Truth." he responds.

"Ok, if you were rescuing people from a burning building and you had to leave one person behind from this room, who would it be?" she asks. It didn't even look like she had to think! She just said it! How can she think of things that quickly? Unless if she already had a Truth and a Dare in mind. But still, she literally always knows what to say.

We all look at him, hoping he doesn't say us. I mean, he's obviously going to say one of us because he just met us today, but I really don't want it to be me.

"Loki, because we have a history." He says, looking at said man. I did not see that coming.

"Aw come on! First you throw me around by my cape like a rag doll, and now you leave me in a burning building? Why do you hate me?" he asks— or rather yells— at Bruce.

"Well, you did try to destroy the world, in case you don't remember."Bruce says matter of factly. Loki looks like he doesn't to know how to respond, so he kind of just looks away annoyed.

Wait, what? Loki tried to take over the world? I'll be cautious around him, but I'll ask about it later, because right now I've got to get back to the game.

Bucky's POV

"Bucky, Truth or Dare?" I looked up and saw Bruce staring at me.

"Dare," I said, without hesitation.

"Yes! Finally someone on our side is being brave!" I looked at Tony oddly, "What do you mean?"

"I mean, that so far from the Avengers everyone has chosen Truth. And it's boring." He said as if he was talking to a younger child.

"Anyways. Let me think..." said Bruce. "I got it. Every time someone says a truth, yell, 'liar!'

"Sure, ok" I say a bit confused that it's so easy.

Then I look at everyone and say, "Tony, Truth or Dare?" I turn to him with the most innocent look on my face.

"Dare!" he yells, practically making me go deaf.

"Geez, Tony. You don't have to scream." I tell him. "I dare you to let the rest of the group members choose three things from the refrigerator and put them in a smoothie, then you have to drink it." I said to him with an evil smile on my face.

Truth or Dare (Percy Jackson Avengers crossover)Where stories live. Discover now