Chapter sixty three

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Chapter sixty three


I called Louis a few hours ago explaining everything that had happened and apologised several times for not even attempting to contact him these past few days.

Of course Louis assured me that it didn’t matter, what I was going through was very personal and he didn’t expect anything from me.

He agreed to meet me at the airport.

I’m not sure how I feel about seeing him again, one thing I do know is when I think of seeing Harry my stomach tightens and flips as excitement and nerves shoot through my veins.

I don’t even think I can compare Louis and Harry because they both fill me with such different feeling and emotions. They’re two completely different people.

I am excited to be returning to New York, I’m going to take Gemma’s advice and become a whole new person. I just want to be happy and free.

The plane lands and suddenly the nerves take over, this is really happening. I’m really moving to New York, I’m really leaving Harry behind on the other side of the world.

Things would certainly be simpler if I could leave my feelings for Harry behind too.

I make my way through the airport and see Louis waiting at the gate, his hair looks rugged and messed up, his face unshaven and he’s wearing ripped black skinny jeans with a black t-shirt.

Before I even realise it I’m in his arms and all I can do is compare it to the embrace Harry and I shared earlier.

Louis doesn’t say anything he just hold me and rests his head on top of mine. His ands feel tight and secure. I feel safe.

Eventually he loosens his grip and tilts my face so I meet his glaze.

“Hey you” He says softly.

“Hey” I reply my voice shaking a little.

Louis brings his face closer to mine pressing his lips tenderly against my own.

The kiss is sweet and comforting soon I find myself kissing back building up the pressure and passion.

Louis pulls away chuckling slightly as he links his fingers with mine and leads me through the airport and gets us a taxi.

We arrive at Louis apartment building and he continues to link his hand with mine as we walk up the stairs and into his apartment.  

“I didn’t think you’d want to be alone tonight” Louis says as he closes the door behind us.

“Yeah I don’t” I mutter.

“We can go to the hotel if you’d feel more comfortable there?” He suggest as he takes my bag from my hand and sets it down beside me.

“No I’m fine here. More than fine” I smile lightly.

“If you’re staying here permanently shouldn’t you have packed more?” Louis says motioning towards the one tiny bag I brought with me.

“I have stuff back at the hotel, and I want to get all new stuff really. Start over” I shrug.

“Ah right, that’s a good idea I guess” Louis says scratching the back of his neck awkwardly.

I make my way into Louis’ kitchen and pull and bottle of wine out of the fridge opening it and pouring two glasses.

“Fancy a drink?” I say holding a glass in Louis’ direction as I enter the living room.

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