#5: Seven Seas | LARRY

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Seven Seas | LARRY : Ongoing

By: larryislouisxharry

Abouts: Harry is a pirate that kidnapped an innocent prince named Louis from England.

Rating: 9/10 because prince/pirate fics are louveee

Thoughts: I don't believe this person copied the other fic like this, because again, a common idea that's bound to come up. I love these fics and I prefer this one over (I dont even know what it's called) because I love the author's writing style and yay! I was kinda frustrated at some points but it's bound to happen. Gets readers more interesed :))

Warnings: B!l and Innocent lewisss ;)) He's so pure he doesn't understand what "Daddy" means !!! It looks like it could have possible smut in the future. The updates are not weekly, because there is only TEN chapters :(( rip me all my favourite fics are ongoing and short ...

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