Chapter 3

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Hayes' POV

"Hey, Dustyn's on his way." Aaron told me.

"Oh okay." I said. We went to my room and he shoved everything back into his bag. We put it over by the door. We went and sat down in a circle on the ground and Indie walked around coming up to each of us.

"She is so cute." I sighed. Everyone nodded.

"Dustyn's here." Aaron said getting up. I got up and walked over to the door with him. He walked out to the car.

"Bye Hayes." He said.

"Bye Aaron." I called out. He turned and we both waved. I went back inside and Indie jumped on me.

"Hey puppy. Hi. What? What is it?" I said in that voice you just can't not do when you talk to animals and babies. I sat down on ground and was petting her, you know how it goes.

Then I went to my room and got on twitter. Nothing interesting was going on so I got on Wattpad. Like always my library was full but there were so many that I got overwhelmed and closed out of it. I need to stop getting new books and read what I have.

"HAYES COME UP HERE." My mom yelled and I groaned getting up from my bed.

"WHY?" I shouted back as I walked up the stairs. Indie came to meet me at the top of the stairs and I kissed her nose before stepping on the landing.

"Just come here." she said.

"Well I'm here. What do you need?" I asked in an annoyed tone.

"You have to take of this dog. It's for you. So you have to be responsible for it," She started going on and on. But I quit listening after the fifth time she told me all of this. Geez have some faith woman.

"Okay? Are you gonna do this?" she asked.

"Yes I am. Oh my god." I said annoyed.

"No it isn't 'oh my god'-" I cut her off.

"Yes it is! Just shut up my god you're so annoying." I snapped and went back down to my room. I picked up Indie since she was following me and put her on my bed. I sat down and she put her nose in my face.

"Oh shit you have terrible breath dog." I laughed almost dying since it was actually that bad. She jumped off my bed and went somewhere. I closed my door and opened up twitter as if something had happened in the last ten minutes.


My life is pathetic.

I managed to kill time until supper time.

"COME GET PIZZA." My mom yelled at everyone. Nash and I went upstairs and each grabbed a plate. I put three slices on my plate and Nash took one.

"Loser." I snorted. He just looked at me with a "what the fuck dude" look on his face. He flicked me as I walked by.

"Asshole." I fake coughed and went to my room. After I was done eating I went to Nash's room.

"Hey so when are we going? To Magcon, I mean." I asked. I sat on his bed.

"We'll be leaving right after school so it'll be this Friday actually." He told me.

"OH MY GOD WE'RE LEAVING THIS SOON HOLY SHHHHHHAATT." I drawled out the word "shat" because I wanted to say "shit" but my mom was home and didn't want to chance having her hear. Nash just nodded. We sat for a minute.

"Why are you still here? Leave." Nash said and I got up and left not wanting to fight. I went back to my room and texted Aaron.

To: Aaron

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