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I read zelgin tag and at the bottom it just said however reads it is tagged or something like that, so I'm just going to deal with it... *I guess I'm not really hurting anybody by doing it. Shrugs*

Nick: Genna, Byoki, Gen/Jen, Craig, and Shizu-Chan

Eye color: Blue with a mix of gray and green. I've been told by my mother and sister ever since I got contacts my eyes look really pretty... But I don't believe them *Like usual*

Hair color: An Auburn brown. My original was a golden blond, and went through many other colors including a natural red, fuckin apocalyptic red, pink, purple, black, and a darker brown

1 Fact: I got 1. 15k reads on "Until the Sun Sets" My BonRin Story which also got SECOND, SECOND Rank in "Aonoexorcist" GOD I'M SO HAPPY I COULD CRY MYSELF TO SLEEP RN

Favorite color/s: Anything between Teal to purple  Ex.  *Seafoam Green, Dark turquoise, Midnight blue/Purple, Lavendar*


Favorite song/s (My top 3):
Painkiller by DREAMERS, and both Fire and Hellfire by Barns County

Favorite animal: ANY TYPE OF BIRD, Foxes, WOLVES, And although they are fictional; MOTHERFUCKING DRAGONS

Favorite book: Scythe & Thunderhead by Neal Shusterman and Doctor Sleep by Steven King

Tags: Whoever the hells wants to do them can, I'm bot stopping you.

But if the other tags weren't enough, now y'all know more about me... So yeah

Until next time, Beauties!!!

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