IMAGINE: Barry trying to be supportive of you becoming Killer Frost

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| IMAGINE for @Aproudmexican |

You sit with Barry on his sofa, your legs shaking. "Whoa, Y/N, are you okay?" Your boyfriend asks worriedly, putting his hand on your knee.

      You look at him. "You know I told you that I have to tell you something?"

     He draws his hand back and frowns. "You're're not breaking up with me, are you?" He breathes.

     "No, no. No. Of course not. Although you may not want to be with me when you hear what I have to say." You gulp.

      Barry stares at you and then nods once. "Okay."

     You take a deep breath. "A few weeks ago I discovered something I wish I hadn't." You state hoarsely. "Killer Frost, Barry. Killer Frost." You cry.

     "What do you mean Killer Frost? You've found someone who is Killer Frost?" He asks desperately, clutching your shoulders in his hands.

     You start weeping, sick of keeping this secret that has been plaguing you. "Yes! It's me, Barry! I'm transforming into Killer Frost!" You sob, before burying your face in your hands. "I'm so scared, Barry. I'm absolutely terrified. I don't want to turn into a heartless killer. That's not me. That's not who I am." You weep, looking at Barry who's staring at you in shock. Your hands shake in front of you. "I'm turning into a monster and I can't do anything to stop it." You whisper. Barry's warm hands cover your ice cold ones. You look at his hands covering yours and then you meet his eyes. Instead of the horror and disgust you thought you were going to see in them, you see love in them. Love with an underlying bit of fear. "Help me, Barry. Take these powers from me. I don't want them. I don't want to be a murderer." You beg. He reaches a hand up and softly cups the side of your face. You turn your cheek into his hand.

     "You know I can't do that, love. You know I don't know how to." He whispers, moving close to you. He rests his head against your temple, his one arm going around you. "But I will do everything I can to make sure you don't turn into a murderer. I know you're strong enough to overcome those desires. I know you can use your power for good. Because that's who you are. That's the woman I fell in love with." He whispers.

     "Barry." You whisper, wrapping your arms around him. He kisses you and then pulls you tightly into his arms. You rest your head on his shoulders and close your eyes, feeling at peace in his arms.

     Barry stares at the wall, trying to contain his emotions. He knows how much you need him, but if he's honest with himself, he's terrified. Not of you, but of your powers—of what you can do if you can't control them. He swallows and rests his head on yours.


"So, your powers." Barry states, sitting on your kitchen counter the next morning.

     "My powers." You echo.

     "How advanced are they?"

     "Not that advanced. I can't freeze anything. The first manifestations are just beginning."

     "What type of manifestations are they?" Barry questions curiously, watching you as you fiddle with a pencil.

     "I wake up and my windows are frosted over even though it's summer time. I don't even need ice for my water glasses anymore. I'm cold all of time, even being outside in the sun. My hands are practically frozen all of the time." You whisper with a light shrug. "Stuff like that." You add. You rub your arm as if too ward off a chill. "I'm just getting scared. These manifestations are becoming more and more frequent. They're getting stronger. I'm so scared that in time I won't be able to control them. That they'll consume me." You sigh.

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