The Beginning Of A New Start

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(In Scotts bedroom)

Scott walks around his room cleaning and crashes on his bed in stress and fatigue. All day he has been getting these weird messages from a random phone number. At first he had hope that it was Allison finally making her return but he had lost hope. It had been 3 months since they made the deal with the ghost riders. They all had lost hope to be reunited with their loved one. By now Scott had gone to their old meet up spot in hopes Allison would find her way back to him. Scott and Lydia haven't been the same since Allison died. Lydia had Stiles to confide in but Scott didn't really have anyone. Yea he could go to Stiles but it would't do him any good. Stiles wasn't really close to Allison. Scott forbid himself to ever love again. Not after Allison.

He would only feel like he was betraying her. It was 4 pm at the moment and he had been going through photos of Allison for an hour by now. He missed her more then anything, he would do anything to have her back. He blames himself for her death. If only he had been faster to getting out he could have saved her.

When the Ghost Riders offered to bring back one life he automatically chose Allison. Everyone understood and wanted her back too. He hasn't been the same, he's just been broken. The Ghost Riders got his hopes up and broke his heart once more when he had just started to move on. Tomorrow will be the 2 year anniversary for her death. They have the whole day planned out. The school is helping out too. They are organizing a memorial for the pack. The pack are going to go to her grave and visit her again. Scott begins to cry at the old photos of him and Allison. He hears a knock on his door and goes to open it. Lydia is standing on the other side of the door and lets herself in and just brings him into a hug. Once they break apart Lydia receives a call from Stiles. "Hey Stiles whats up?" Lydia says into her phone. She takes a look at Scott and says that she will be right over. As always Lydia is going off to see Stiles. It didn't bother Scott he was happy for them, very happy. He just wishes he had that too, with Allison. He knew they were supposed to have a future together and it was destroyed because of the damned evil that haunts Beacon Hills. Lydia then excuses herself and heads over to Stiles' house.  By this time its already 8:00 pm. Scott walks out to his and Allison's old meet up spot for the last time.

He has lost hope and he knows he has to move on to protect the pack. He drives up to the woods and walks to the cliff and just stares at the stars. Scott has been just sitting out there thinking for about an hour just breathing in natures beauty and thinking about his future. Just as he is about to leave for the night he starts to get up and is about to walk away when he hears rustling around him. He looks around trying to figure out what it is and then he continues to walk until he hears a twig snap. "Who's there?!" he yells out to whomever is there watching him. He hears a very familiar voice... he turns around and he sees...

Sorry about the cliffhanger! I hope you guys like this. Give me suggestions on how I can write this better. Love you all and thanks for reading. ;)

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 04, 2018 ⏰

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