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Chapter 2: 

Ella's P.O.V.

I find myself curled up to Niall, his arms secured around me, and myself curled up into his chest. He wakes up, and he actually kisses me on my forehead. I guess that this is alright... I have no idea. I walk down stairs, go to the kitchen, and whip out the Nuttela, a spoon, a knife, the toaster, and some bread. I put the bread, and toast it. I get out my iPhone, and see that my parents have texted me good morning, and they are in Ireland. First country on their long trip. Liam comes down stairs, and sees the spoon, and gasps.

"Um, Liam... you ok?" I ask.

"The... the... the.. SPOON!" Liam shrieks like a little girl. Geez Louize and string cheez! I totally forgot!

"Liam, Naomi and I washed this spoon very carefully, and no one at all has used it. I just bought it. I promise, and this can be your special spoon, and you can take it with you, ok?" I promise, holding out my pinky. 

"Um... Ok..." Liam says, locking his pinky with mine. 

I get out my sharpie, and write Liam's name on it. He promises that he'll use it when he's only around Danielle (his GIRLFRIEND! SO CUTE!) and me. Niall plops down the stairs, and steals my peice of toast I was about to eat.


"What? I'm a growing boy!" 

"And I'm not a growing girl?"

"ELLZ! SAVE MEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!" Alex screams, running behind me. Then, I see Harry, butt naked. I scream.

"LITTLE CHILDREN! SHEILD YOU EYES! NUDITY IS PHROHIBITED!" I scream, running towards Zayn and sheilding my eyes. 

"HARRY!" Louis whines. This is my craziest morning yet!

"HARRY STYLES! PUT. ME. DOWN. NOW!" Alex screams.

"Vas?" Zayn asks, totally confused. 

"Harry, put on some clothes!" Louis begs, feeling bad for me. 

"WHAT IN THER NAME OF PEGACORNS!!!" I scream, and everyone freezes. 

"Harry, put on some clothes. Alex, PLEASE don't pee your pants from the attack! Louis, make sure that Harry has some clothes on that won't scar me for life again, and ya... FOR NARNIA!" I yell, and everyone does what they're told. 

Harry comes down stairs, wearing underwear and a shirt with Louis, and Alex recovered. 

"LARRY STYLLINSON!" Zayn, Liam, Niall, Alex, and I scream. Everyone cracks up after about one minute of awkward silence. I go up to my room, take a shower, and get dressed in a pair of my old blue jean shorts, and my yellow shirt. I manage to somehow get my hair dried, and throw on my black high-tops. I apply some lip gloss, and that's it. I really want an iced coffee.

"Hey, anyone want to come with me to Dunkie's?" I ask, and all of the boys looks at me like I just asked them for a dancing llama. 

"Dunkin Donuts? America Runs On Dunkin? It's the same exact thing as Starbucks!" I explain. 

Alex, Niall, Harry, Liam, Louis, and Zayn all follow me. I have a six-seater pickup truck, so everyone will fit perfectly... wait... some one will need to sit on another's lap! 

"SHOT GUN!" Zayn yells, and Niall chases after. I run after them, and finally catch up.

"You realize that there is two shot guns, right?" I say, pulling down the third seat in the front. Liam, Louis, and Harry pile in the back, and Alex frowns. 

"Where will I sit?" she wonders aloud. Harry smirks, and then Alex sighs. She has to sit on Harry's lap! (CUE AWWWW SOUND!) Niall takes a picture. 

"Alex, what's your twitter? And Ella, what's yours?" Niall asks.

"Um... EllaLovesYou13..... It's really stupid!"

"AlexLovesYou13 ..." Alex trails off. (SEA: Sorry if this is someone's twitter! I don't have one, so sorry! I can't check or else I'll be in deep fudge....) 

@NiallOfficial : awww @Harry_Styles and @AlexLovesYou13 are so cute! Going to Dunkie's with @EllaLovesYou13 @Real_Liam_Payne @zaynmalik @Louis_Tomlinson

@EllaLovesYou13 : You guys are cray cray.... #crazy #awww #pickuptrucks #dunkies .

"I just gained five followers, then like two gazillion!" Alex and I shriek.

Obviously, @NiallOfficial @Harry_Styles @Real_Liam_Payne @zaynmalik and @Louis_Tomlinson follow me. 

We go to the drive through, and I order. 

"Can I get a medium Mocha iced with a turbo shot, cream, three sugars, and whiped cream?" I ask. Ya... I have my special coffee.

"And a medium cocunut and french vanilla, cream and two sweet n' low? Plus five large coolattas all with whipped cream, in Green Monster, French Vanilla, Coffee, Strawberry, Blue Raspberry, and Oreo Cookie?" I ask the poor lady taking my order. 

"That would be $30.00, please move up to the next window," The lady said.

I fish out a twenty and two fives.

I get two trays, and I hand out everyone's drinks. I hand Alex her iced coffee, Harry his French vanilla, Liam his coffee, Zayn his Strawberry, Louis his blue raspberry, and Niall his Green Monster. Irish, Unite!

We finally come home, and Niall comes up to me, pulling me into our room. 

"Ella, would you like to go out on a date with me?" Niall asks, nervously. His voice is so light and sing-song-y, while my dad's (he's from Cork, Irelnad) voice is laow and husky. 

"Yes, Niall. Where too?" I ask, holding up my keys. 

He pulls me out to my car, and I bring along my iced coffee. I whip out my GPS, and Niall puts in where we're going. 

Fast forward a car ride full of immations of random accents, and long and funny stories (such as Niall's mom's hair going blond from using the wrong shampoo, and me screaming Call Me Maybe during study hall on the last day of school). 

Finally, we pull up to the Prudential. THE FUDGING PRUDENTIAL. IT IS HUGE! 

Well, we rush to the elevator, and he presses floor 52. Up to the Hub. This should be fun.

_____________________________________________________________________________Sorry that this chapter took forver to write! and for thoose who are reading, i put in the wrong name. Mae is Alex. Sorry bout that! next P.O.V. is gonna be Alex's. My P.O.V.'s are for Ella, and MAA's is for Alex. Thanks! Please vote and comment!


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