Little things you do that she loves🙈

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-You bite your lip when you're focused:
Billie noticed that when you are focusing you bite your lip,she told you about this thing that you do telling you that it was hot.You hadn't realized that you did this but ever since Bil pointed it out you exaggerate it a little,wanting her attention.

-You sometimes have an attitude:
You have always been a very shy and sensitive person.You were so sweet to everyone.Like Billie you were vegan because of how much you loved animals,you could never hurt a fly.But like every human,you have your days.You and Billie were out for a day of shopping when a group of her fans came up to the two of you asking you both for a picture (since you are also a singer).The two of you agreed to take a picture but you noticed that one of the girls was giving you a dirty look.You tried to brush it off,you and Billie started to walk away when you heard the girl say"I know she's only using her for clout."You turned around and wakes up to the girl."So..I'm only using her for clout?"You ask her.She gives you a dirty look and responds with "I mean,that's what it seems like".You shove the girl and say"Don't talk shit about things you have no idea about.You don't know me,or why I'm with Billie,but if you must know I am with her because I love her."At this point you are screaming at her while Billie is grabbing your hand trying to pull you back."y/n it's okay,stop baby"You get out of Billie's grip and push the girl one more time saying "And next time you want to talk shit about me,don't wait until I'm walking away.Billie pulls you away and the both of you walk into the store."Y/N, I've never seen you act like that,but I'm not gonna lie.I fucking loved it."


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