Chapter 3

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(Image above was drawn by me)

Recap- Bill's eye narrowed at the cloaked figure in front of him. 

"Who are you?" 

The corners of the figure's mouth turned up with a smile. 

"Oh, how rude of me," they said "I guess I should introduce myself." 

Stretching out a hand, the stranger slowly began lifting the hood, pulling it back, and revealing chocolate brown curls. 

"My name is Madison "Dipper" Pines. And I want you to kidnap me."


(No POV)

Bill stared at the person in front of him, in complete and utter surprise. Staring right back at him, were a pair of small, hazel brown eyes with pink lips in a slight frown. Chocolate brown curls shaped the young girls small face, reaching down to her waist. 

The cloak that had covered her body, was now pushed behind her, finally showing what she looked liked. She wore a short, dark blue dress with black frills going down the sides, and a black bow on her chest. Black leggings were tucked into pair of short brown healed boots, and a satchel was dangling on her shoulder. A small blue pinetree was etched into the bag.

Bill, still a bit shocked, looked at his new employer

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Bill, still a bit shocked, looked at his new employer. 'I can't believe it,' He shook his head and gave a chuckle. "I got lured in by a child." Bill gave a small laugh as the young girl gave an angry pout at being called a child. "I'll have you know, I'm 15. I'm not a child." "For someone who doesn't reach my chin without heals, you're still a child in my book, sweetheart." She gave a huff and crossed her arms, unable to make a remark, as Bill let out another laugh.

"So, Miss Mad-" "Dipper." 

Bill looked at the girl with a lifted eyebrow. "Pardon?" Dipper looked away, a sigh escaping her lips.

"Just Dipper." Just as Bill was about to press on as to why, he saw a sudden pained expression glaze over Dipper's face, her eyes a dull haze, so he decided to go against it. Bill looked away too, an awkward air between them. Then, as if that moment didn't even happen, Dipper turned back to Bill with a smile plastered on her face, the haze gone from her eyes. 

"Sorry, I didn't mean for this to be so depressing. I believe we were about to discuss about something." Bill, still slightly wary, remembered the conversation he was about to start, and snapped back to the present. 

"Of course. What I was about to ask was, for what reason did you want me to, quote on quote, 'kidnap' you and why you came to me in particular." As Bill said those words, a very hateful glare replaced Dipper's smile in a quick instant. This didn't go unnoticed by Bill, who actually shivered at the intensity of the hate radiating off of the small figure.

Only two words came from her mouth. Each syllable poison. "Gideon Gleeful." Bill scowled at the name that had spat out of Dipper's mouth. "And what connection do you have with that son of a devil?" 

Clenching her fists, Dipper slowly told her story. "In two weeks from today, on my 16th birthday, my great uncle is marrying me off to that damned piece of crap (A/N LANGUAGE), in exchange for reducing the taxes we have to pay to him." Bill was disgusted. 'Is there no end to how low that bastard will stoop? To actually turn his gaze towards young girls.' "So, why is it you and not some other woman? Preferably someone much older." Bill asked, wanting more details, knowing already that he won't regret doing this deed at all, not like he ever did.

Dipper looked down at the wooden boards as blood trickled from her palm. "There was someone else." she muttered. "Who?" Once again, Dipper turned away. "My twin sister Mabel. It was only up until 2 years ago (A/N both were 13 then) that he swapped interests." 


Gideon Gleeful (13) had chased after Mabel ever since they were 10. When she refused him for the next 3 years, he decided to pursue Dipper. Although they were twins, they looked very different. Mabel had long brown hair that reached to her waist. She had a small round face, small nose and big brown eyes. Her rosy cheeks and hyper personality made her appear childish, she looked a little bit like her mother. Dipper, on the other hand, almost looked identical. Her small hazelnut eyes and curly chocolate colored hair made her look doll like. The natural blush and pink lips outlined her small, narrow face. She was quiet and mostly kept to herself. But she was kind and a very helpful person.


Dipper began shaking. "I had rejected him many times at first. But then he began forcing the town to pay twice as much for taxes, making it difficult for us to buy any sort of product with the little money we already had. He swore that he would ease on the taxes, with the exchange of my hand. We had no choice." The more Dipper spoke, the angrier Bill got. He wasn't the one for emotions or empathy, but this....this broke his resolve.

Dipper gave an evil grin. "But this operation, will crush him." Intrigued that someone so young can make such an expression, Bill asked "How will a kidnapping crush him so to speak?"

"Well, it's not just a kidnapping." "How so?" 

Poking her hip to the side, Dipper rested her elbow in her left hand and tapped her finger on her chin like she was thinking. "Just think of it as a double stabbing. A kidnapped bride and a theft at the same time. Right under his ugly little swine nose. " Laughing, Dipper thew her arms open, "And who else for it to be committed by than the infamous Bill Cipher, Captain of the Mindscape! It'll become gossip. Causing him so much embarrassment that he'll have to leave town forever!" Bill grinned when he found his roll in the young masterminds plan. For a 15 year old, it wasn't a bad. 

"Would you like to continue this inside, Amica Mea?" Bill asked as he gave a playful bow, as if she was an important figure. Dipper laughed. "Sure." She walked into the room, and as soon as she passed the door frame, "Oh! One more thing!" she turned and gave a cavity sweet, closed eye smile. "Call me 'love' one more time, and I'll make sure your death is a slow and agonizing one." Rather impressed on how Dipper knew Latin, Bill chuckled at her attempt at being menacing.

"Yes ma'am." He gave a salute, and followed right behind Dipper as he closed the door.

A Runaway Princess at Sea (bill x fem.dipper)Where stories live. Discover now