Chapter 19

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(BTW if you were curious to know what the guns Dipper and Bill have, the Top: Dipper, Bottom: Bill. also if your brain processed it the same as I did, I am not talking about uke and seme.)

Dipper followed silently behind Bill to the inn, not wanting to anger him any more than she had. They were greeted by an angry Pyronica, who chewed out both of them, as well as complaining to her companion how she left her to carry most of the bags. Neither said a word, letting the thick tension do the talking for them. After her rant, Dipper just brushed past Pyronica, who had a concerned look on her face at the change her friend had, and went to her room, while Bill just stood there and watched as she went.

For the next few days, Dipper avoided Bill as much as possible. If she saw him coming in her direction, she went a different way. If he came into the inn's diner, Dipper ate quickly and paid as she left. Or if they had to walk next to each other, she lowered her head and sent her gaze to the ground, refusing to even look at him in the eye. Dipper was ashamed about how she acted that night. Her reason wasn't for others to know and should've been left alone. But that didn't call for shouting at the person that helped her and now pretty much holds her life. 

It was now Thursday, and the group had two more days before it was time to set sail. The supplies were loaded into the share hold and everyone decided to have a few last looks around. Two girls were seen headed down the lively town, chatting as they heading towards their destination, Red's Patchwork. 

They were going to see if Wendy was able to finish the adjustments to the dress since there was a very short amount of time left. But before they could even go out, Dipper had to apologize profusely to Pyronica for wandering and brushing her off, even promising to buy whatever three items she wanted, before the pinkete forgave her. 

As Dipper and Pyronica talked, they overheard a few townsfolk talking. Apparently a couple found the now cold corpse on Wednesday, two days after his life was taken by Bill. Now everyone was looking at each other warily, cautious of each other and about who might've killed him. Then like curious townsfolk they were, started glaring at the man in red and gold, who had just arrived a few days before it all even happened. (if you count Sunday as the 1st day of the week, then the crew landed on that day, and the man was found on Tuesday not Wednesday. Depends on the person.)

The blond haired man paid no attention to them. In fact, he enjoyed the attention that was directed at him. He wasn't swayed, keeping a grin on as he paraded down the cobblestone path whistling 'Yo ho yo ho', with a slight skip in his step. Dipper, however, was worried. What if they ended up being caught? Now she wasn't scared of being accused of murder, far from it, she was scared of being taken away and forced to go back to the dinky little island she came from. (-_-Wow Dip priorities) 

It didn't help that the dreaded feeling from the ship still hung heavily on her thin shoulders, waiting for the right time to snap everything out of order. She had assumed that the fight was what the feeling was warning her about, but instead grew worse when it did, and it added to the fear.

Dipper hadn't realized that she zoned out until she noticed a set of fingers started snapping in front of her face. She rapidly blinked before looking up to see a concerned pinkie staring at her.

"What?" Dipper asked, raising an eyebrow in confusion.

"You 'k, honey?" Her friend asked, eyes darting from brown ones to other parts of the small face. "Kinda spaced out for a momin' ya did."

Dipper sighed, then smiled tiredly. "Naw, I'm okay. Supposed I'm just a bit tired."

A white lie. Been a while since she made one. Telling one always left a sour taste in Dipper's mouth, so most of the time she never would. But when it came to not wanting to worry others, she did. She shouldn't be causing trouble this early on, or at all in general, so she told a lie. 

A Runaway Princess at Sea (bill x fem.dipper)Where stories live. Discover now