Chapter 3

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Two burley men stared down at me with a smirk on there faces.

The one one the right had a scuff of a beard, with the colors of brown and white.

He has very short hair about as long as his four day scruff with the same brown white color.

The one on the left had no beard but semi long blonde hair.

Both of them were wearing white t-shirts and shorts.

They both stood tall and bold, which frightened me.

The one on the left with semi blonde hair, interrupted my thoughts of the men saying, " Well aren't you going to get up, your burning day light kid."

Then the man on the right said in a solid voice, " You can do this the easy way or the hard way. Your choice."

I did want to know the hard way so I stood up out of the large brown bag and looked down as I picked my body off the ground.

I looked up at the two men and stared straight through them.

I didn't want to know why I was here and why this was happening.

So I went to another dimension in my head.

Another dimension with towering city's like New York City.

Skyscrapers sailing over low seas.

Car's speeding by with a breeze as you strut down the street.

Smells of hot dogs on grills and sounds of popping popcorn.

Flys buzzing by the freshly stuck gum on the news paper stands.

Honks of horns blaring at crossing pedestrians.

Cries of baby's in wheeling by strollers.

Hums of bees by the oak trees in the park on the walk.

Flowers so bright, in the sunlight, have the humming bees on their stem leaves.

Humming bees land on me and with a painful sting.

A rush of energy rushed through me as, I jumped up holding my right arm in pain.

I look around me and I'm in a small white room with nothing around me.

I am locked into a white chair my arms and legs are strapped in not allowing me to move.

The room as no windows and only consisted of one dangling light over head of me.

The white room with no windows, a white chair, and the dangling light made it look like a in a questioning room of a police station.

Interrupting my thoughts a hidden door on the left counter of the room opened with a unfamiliar person in the door.

I quickly looked down at my lap and closed my eyes.

Not wanting to make eye contact with the unfamiliar man because he frightened me.

I had already seen to many unfamiliar people who all ended up nearly killing me or trapping me in small areas.

I then opened my eyes and then saw unfamiliar clothing on me.

They were tight, like I thought when I was in the bag.

The pants so tight they were basically leggings or tights, and the also long sleeved jacket so tight it squeezed my body like my Aunt Jean's hugs when she hasn't seen me in a while.

Both pants and jacket were a very dark purple almost looking black.

My shoes were similar to my favorite shoes Vans, except these kind I've never seen before.

They were a dark purple like my clothing and I had no idea that they made this color, or that it was even a color.

The man at the door then said in a soft voice, " Don't worry I'm not here to scare you or hurt you. My name is Chavrick. Every things going to be fine", as I shifted my head toward him as he spoke.

I looked at him with a blank face and thought can I trust this man.

I looked at him up and down.

He did not wear the same dark purple clothing, plus it was nothing near to as tight as my clothes.

He was wearing a dark blue t-shirt and light blue jeans.

His shoes were similar to mine more high top kind unlike my lower rise shoe.

In a unfamiliar voice someone said, "Why is this girl staring at me. It's kinda creeping me out."

For the first time talking to these people I said in a confused voice , "What did you say, was that you?"

Cravrick started blankly at me and then said, "No but I know you heard something," he said it fast and all a sudden like he just remembered.

"Bbbbut I'm pretty sure you just said something," I stuttered the words very confused.

In a stronger voice then earlier Chavrick then said, "Come on Pebble Grace, get up and at them, we have plans today."

I picked my self out of the chair then took a step.

Just like that trip smack owie.

I was laying flat on the ground in a face plant.

I'm am so stupid duh I'm have chains attached to my hands an feet.

My next thought was ohhhhh Chavrick your so mean. Why would you do that to me or to anyone for that matter. Who do you think you are! Crazy man who thinks he's all that and a bag of chips.

"You know I can here you els and who would do that to you, you ask. Your instructor."

That was the strangest thing ever I was looking at him and his lips weren't was as if I was hearing his thoughts. How will I get out of these chains to go to you anyways?

Chavrick then thought Pebble Grace you are now els to me and to get out oh you figure that out your self.

Just like that the door disappeared and Chavrick was gone.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 28, 2014 ⏰

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