Your Soul ~ IX

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Fluff mixed with Cringe 😅

(Nagisa's POV)

"Nagisaaa~" Karma whined, nuzzling his head in the crook of my neck, his tail curling from side to side, like a serpent in a trance. I paid no mind to his actions, focusing my attention on my comic book.

     "What." Was all I replied with, frowning when his tail covered my view of the comic.

I winced when his feline teeth tugged at the skin of my neck. "Are you mad at me?"

     "No. And stop biting me, unlike you, I can actually feel pain."

"I do feel pain, holy water burns like the fires of hell. Not pleasant." He informed, now licking the spot where he bit, making me shudder. "You say you're not sure?"


"Are you extra extra sure?"


The cat with fur that mirrors blood, sighed, which surprised me. I didn't know cats can sigh....normal cats don't usually sigh. But then again...this isn't a normal cat. "You're mad at me. Your answers are too short."

     "I'm not mad."

"Then why have you been giving me the silent treatment all day?"

His persistence is somewhat annoying. But for some reason, I feel as if he's genuinely concerned. "I don't know what you're talking about."

That may or may not have been a complete and utter lie. You see...this demon, this oh so intelligent demon jumped off a cliff. Yes, a cliff. And on the second day of him coming to school. And do you wanna know why he jumped off a cliff?

Because he wanted to see how dedicated Koro-Sensei was to his students.

That was a stupid thing to do.

"You know exactly what I'm talking about."

I remained quiet, not knowing how to reply to that, and brought my attention to my lamp, which was the only thing illuminating my room since it was dark out. Mom was called in for work and won't be back until tomorrow evening, which is the reason why it's so quiet here at home.

"Come on~ tell me why you're mad at me..."

     "I already told you that I'm not mad." I said in the calmest tone I could muster. "So please stop bugging me and let me read."

This darn demon cat. He now sits on my lap, looking at me with those glowing golden eyes that always seem to give me chills, his ears pointed up while growling softly. Me, not wanting to seem like I was intimidated, which I wasn't, stared back into those eyes, a part of me admiring them.

There was something about his eyes that drew me in,

He blinked, opening his eyes wide and slowly blinking again. An action that had me tilting my head to the side. I don't get him. With a sigh, I pat his head and played with his ears, humming in delight at how soft they were.

"I'm still waiting for an answer."

Grumbling, I looked to the side. "Okay fine. Maybe I am mad. But I have a good reason to be!"

He leaned his head into my palm, purring. "Which is..?"

     "Are you serious?" I asked, bewildered. "I'm mad because you leaped off a cliff! You would be dead right now if it weren't for Koro-Sensei! I almost had a heart attack because of you...." My voice below a whisper. "So, don't do that again....please."

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