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I started writing TsubaHono before realizing that I had to do RinPana first lmao. Also the amount of RinPana doujinshi I had to read just to get a very good grasp of their personalities is more than my lack of self confidence. It was really hard too because there's not much doujinshi where it focuses on RinPana primarily, most of it is with other pairings too which makes it hard. Since the last one was more romance-y, I made this more comedic or fluffy, whichever you want to  call it. Adult life/ College AU


Hanayo P.O.V

After a few years, all members of Muse had graduated, including Maki, Rin and I. After that, everyone decided to live with each other. Nozomi and Eli lived together, Maki and Nico, Kotori and Umi, and surprisingly, Honoka and Tsubasa started to live together. We never really thought they had that much of a close relationship, considering that in our high school days they didn't talk much unless it was professional stuff. But who knows. See, the thing is, me and Rin are different, because we're living together, but also, we're dating! Well, the thing with us living together is that we just moved in together, so in all honesty, we really didn't get to see each other in a long time! About us dating, before we graduated, Rin confessed to me, and it seemed that we both had the same feelings. Right now, Rin's at work and I'm stuck at university for now. I really should be focusing on my work right now, but for some reason, all I can think about is Rin! This is so unlike me. I have to focus but I just can't focus! It kind of... hurts. B-but not in a bad way! I just kind of miss Rin! That's all.. Right.. Wait, who am I talking to? "Koizumi-san!" My classmate nudged me, forcing me to get out of whatever dreamland I was in. The professor glared me dead in the eyes. Oh no.


Rin P.O.V

Man, work is so boring! I want to hurry up and see Kayo-chin soon. My shift is almost over, so I'll be able to see her in just a little bit. All of a sudden, I get a message on my phone. It's from Kayo-chin! I open up the message and read it. 

Hanayo❤️: Sorry Rin, I have to stay back at uni.  

 Rin: Aww! Alright.

Hanayo❤️: Sorry!

Rin: No big!

But it was a big deal! I really was looking forward to seeing Kayo-chin. "Hoshizora-san!" I hear from the back. I turn around. "Yes, nya! I mean- yes sir!" I rush towards my co-worker and sigh. "See you soon, Kayo-chin." I whisper to myself.

3rd P.O.V

Hanayo had finally got out of university after a brief lecture of paying attention in class. She yawned and walked outside of the university. "Alright, time to go see Rin-chan!" She says, cheering herself up. She makes her way to a bus stop just right beside the university. After around 5 to 10 minutes, a bus arrives. Hanayo was lucky, since this was the last bus for today. Finally, the bus had reached her stop and she got off and started to speed walk towards Rin's house. Rin, on the other hand, was watching T.V and lounging around in the living room, a little bit too tired from work. She could probably just fall asleep right there. Well, speak of the devil, she already did. But before she could get into deep sleep, Hanayo knocks on the door. Rin pops her head up and jumps out of her seat. "Kayo-chin!" She thought to herself. She rushes towards the door and opens it. "Rin-chan!" Without hesitation, Rin tackle-hugs Hanayo. "Kayo-chin!" "Wah!" Hanayo giggles. "Let me get inside first." Rin lets go and steps back inside of the house, giggling in excitement. Hanayo takes off her shoes and finally embraces Rin tightly. "Hahh! It's been so long, Kayo-chin!" She says, returning the hug and showering Hanayo's face in small kisses. Finally, they pull away from the embrace as Rin looks into Hanayo's mauve eyes. Her voice had all of sudden turned soft yet serious. "Can I?" "Y-yeah.." Hanayo stutters, but closes her eyes. Rin leans forward and softly kisses Hanayo's lips. The kiss slowly becomes more intense, as Rin asks Hanayo's mouth for an opening with her tongue. Hanayo's eyes widen in surprise but lets Rin enter her mouth, closing her eyes once more, squinting slightly. Rin finally pulls away for a second, face beet red. "S-sorry, I didn't mean for it to be that long.." Rin says, lowering her head. Hanayo, without hesitation, lifts Rin's head and pulls her in for a short kiss. "That doesn't matter. We both liked it, r-right?" Rin gulps, face still covered in blush. But she nods. "Rin-chan.." Rin looks into her eyes once more. "Kayo-chin.."

"Welcome home."

"I'm home."

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