The new nerd in school is a bad ass ! Chapter 1

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"Quiet Down. Quiet down class. Quiet down." The class got quiet. "We have a new student." Mr Thomas the homeroom teacher said. "This is Quinn Matthews." I smiled weakly. The class stared at me for a while and I could tell what they were thinking. Why is she dressed like that, look at those glasses, and who still wears pigtails in high school. All the reasons why I had gotten picked on at my old school. Even though there was a slim chance, I hoped the kids at this school would be more accepting. A boy in the back of the room rose his hand, There was a certain air of aristocracy which radiated from him. His golden blonde hair glistened as the light hit it and his eyes the color of blue berries demand attention. "Yes Ashton ?"

"I have a question for the new girl." he stated . The room became quiet to the point where you could hear each individual breath. "Go ahead" Mr.Thomas replied . "Is that the same outfit you wore to Comic Con this year ?" Everyone started laughing, even the teacher tried to muffle his giggles. Mr. Thomas cleared his throat.

"Mr. Wilson I hope you enjoyed that joke because it just caused you detention." Ashton shrugged his shoulders. Mr. Thomas then turned his attention back to me. "You can go sit down now. There is ann open seat next to Mr.Wilson there. " Great I thought. Not even a minute had gone by and I was being picked on. I sigghed then walked to the back. I sat next to Ashton. "Okay class turn your books to page 257. Quinn you can share with Ashton for now."

"That's not gonna happen. It seems I dont have my book either. " Ashton said. This guy was a jerk.  

A girl up front rose her hand then said " Mr. Thomas I can share with Ashton." "Me too!" "No I can" "So can I " "Hey don't forget about me." What the heck was going on. Not one person voulunteered for me. Either this kid was really popular or I was hated. Mr. Thomas said no to all the girls and Ashton ended up sharing with another boy. I was assigned this nerdy kid with freckles. He wasn't ugly but just akward. I guess it's kind of hypocritical for me to call him a nerd seeing as how we're both in the same boat. The nerd kid turned out being super nice. He even said I could sit with him and his friends at lunch, who I guessed were also nerds but hey that was better than eating alone so I said yes. When class let out. I went to my locker. Lucky for me the office was able to provide me with one though it was just my first day there. The freckles kid I shared a book with came to my locker.

"I forgot to tell you where we're going to be sitting at lunch. We usually eat outside at the table by the oak tree."

"Okay thanks...uhmm... what's your name ?"

"Henry . It's Henry Carson"

Ashton's POV  

I don't even know whyI was so mean to that girl. Truth is she didn't even look that bad. There was something about her. From the way she stood, I could tell that she was scared. Behind those glasses where eyes the color of freshly washed leaves. Herhair color was burnt sienna. Baby hair's clung to her face as a few loose strand fell from her ponytail. There was something innocent about her which drew my attention and I couldn't help but wanting to protect her. But I messed it up with my joke. I still don't even know why I lied I didnt have my book when it was in my bookbag.

"Ashton? Ashton?" The sound of my name drew me from my thoughts. Sierra , the co-captain of the cheerleading team and my ex-girlfriend Ashley's best friend stood in front of me."Ashton what are you doing ? I was waiting for you at your locker."

"Nothing. I got in trouble so I had to stay longer after the bell. Why were you looking for me ?"

"Oh okay." She started rubbing her hand up and down my chest. " Well i was wondering if you wanted to come over my house today. Ashley told me the two of you broke up so I thought I would cheer you up.

"Are you serious ? Ashley's your bestfriend."

" So what ? I won't tell her if you don't." I couldn't understand how girls could betray one another like this but hey if it meant free sex I was in .

" Sure" I said.

"Really ?"


"So when are you going to come over. We could go right after school and you can drop me home,"

"I never said I would take you home, Just give me the address and I'll come over when I feel like it ," She wrote down the address then left. I almost choked when she turned around and winked at me. Who still did that ? Sierra wasn't the prettiest girl but she had a banging body. " I gotta go pick up some more rubbers then." I walked out of Mr. Thomas's class only to see the new girl talking to Henry. She was smiling. I never knew a girl could look so pretty when she smiled.

Quinn's POV  

When luch time rolled around, I went to the cafeteria to get my food before meeting up with Henry. I got a plate of spaghetti, a cherry slushie, and some grapes. I was almost to the exit when someone bumped me.

"Oops. " she said. Her group of friends began laughing .From the look on her face I could tell that she wasnt sorry.

"Don't worry about it" I said. As I bent down to pick up my tray someone kicked me and I fell face forward. The whole cafeteria started laughing. My face turned red with humiliation. I got up and ran out the cafeteria. "Ouch " I said as my head came into contact with what felt like a brick wall. I caught my balance just in time and looked up only to see Ashotn and his friends. They were going to have a field day with the way I looked. I felt like dying.

"Not only is she ugly, she's also stupid, You eat with your mouth not your stomach dumbass" "Hahaha" I could feel my eyes tearing up. "Am I right Ashton ? Haha" I was waiting for him to say something, add salt to injury but he just stood there.

"Quinn, over here." I looked around the boys and saw Henry down the hall. I wasn't gona stand and wait for Ashton to come up with more insults so I bolted towards him. Henry put his hand over my shoulder then guided me to the bathroom. In the stall all my ears came pourign out. I wasn't just crying because of today. I was crying for every time a person had been mean to me and I jsut accepted it. I was crying for every time a person had hit me. I was crying because I was tired of this. I stayed in the bathroom until the end of the day. I tried to avoid as many people as possible until I got homw. When I got home I decided something had to give. I went into the bathroom and took out a pair of scissors. I took my hair out of the pigtails and cut it from back length to just above my shoulders. I went into my closet and took out every piece of clothing that even implied the word "NERD". I reached up to the top shelf and got out the contacts my mom bought me a few months ago. That night I washed my hair then put them in two big flat plaits, hoping it would be curly when I took it out tomorrow. I was no longer going to give people a reason to pick on me. A new Quinn Matthews was going to Southdale High School tomorrow.

Okay so please rate, vote, comment. I would really like to hear your opinions on the story or what you think I could add. This is the first chapter so it's kind of boring but I promise you it will get really interesting as the story continues.

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