The new nerd in school is a bad ass ! Chapter 3.

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Im back . lol. Yay an update finally.


Quinn's POV

I hadn't been to any of my clases after lunch yesterday so I wasn't sure what to expect. When I got to world history the teacher asked me why I wasn't in class yesterday. I told her I didn't feel good so I went home. She gave me this lecture about how it was against school rules to leave school without a parent and permission from the main office but in the end still excused me. I looked for a place to sit.

"Quinn !" I heard someone call. I looked to the back of the classroom and saw Suki (sue-key). She was one of Henry's friends who ate lunch with him. Suki was Japenese and British ( an unusual combination, i know ). She had long straight black hair. She didn't have chinky eyes like most steriotypes said. In fact she had big dark brown doe eyes. Her body which she hid under baggy clothing was lean. Not skinny, lean. She had just enough of everything which made her body look good. Suki's only negative quality was her laugh. It sounded like she was drowning in the water. Other than that she was one cool chick.

"Hey Suki. " I said taking a seat next to her.

"Isnt this great ? I mean us having classes together and all."

"Yeah. I'm glad I have this class with someone I know." We continued talking until Mrs.James told the class to be quiet. She had important news to tell us.

"As many of you know..." There was a knock on the door. She opened it. Ashton and Sierra walked in. "Mr. WIlson, Ms.Henson, nice of you to join us. Ashton smiled, showing his perfect teeth then walked to his seat. "Like I was saying before I was interrupted." She shot a look at Ashton and Sierra.

"Sorry Mrs. James" Ashton said. Sierra just rolled her eyes.

"Yes, yes it's okay. But as I was saying. As many of you know I am almost 9 months pregnant. "

"For real ?"A boy named Louis asked, The whole class sighed. Mrs. James started laughing. I couldn't blame Louis. For 9 months, Mrs.James barely looked pregnant. Her face was a little chubby and her feet did look swollen but for the most part she could just be mistaken as a chunky woman.

"Yes Louis hunny. I am for real. My due date is quickly approaching so I am being put on maternity leave. "

"Does that mean you won't be our teacher anymore ?" a girl named Leah asked.

"Let me finish. As a result, I will be gone two or three months depending on when my husband's term in the military ends. It is supposed to be over in about 2 weeeks, around the time when the baby is born. During that time you will have a substitute teacher. "

"Yes !" the class cheered.

"The teacher will be a student intern. Meaning someone with soem knowledge of world history so you will still be expected to do work. "

"Aawh man." Mrs James smiled.

"You will also have a project due the day after I come back. i am telling you this so you won't procrastinate and wait till the last minute to do it. For the project you will be assigned a country and will have to pick which war you feel affected the country the most and explain why. It is a 2 person project and I will be picking the partners. " She walked to her computer. "The groups go as so. Kyle and Leah, Simone and Natasha, Louis and Suki (poor Suki), Emma and Michael, Dave and Robert, Sierra and lance, Quinn and Ashton..." What did she just say ?

Ashton's POV

"Quinn and Ashton..." What did she just say ? For the next 2 months I would have to spend a good chunk of my time with Quinn. Was I lucky or what ? Mrs.James spent the rest of the class talking about what was going to happen when she was gone.

"Good luck, Mrs.James." "We want pictures." "We're really going to miss you" people said as they left the class. Many of them went up and hugged Mrs.James. I walked up to her.

"You tell that husband to take good care of you or else I'll steal you away from him." I said. She laughed then started crying.

"I will. You be good now Ashton. No getting in trouble."

"Of course I won't " Before Mrs.James became the world history teacher, she was the 9th guidance counselor . When I first started high school I got in with the wrong crowd. When everyone had given up on me, Mrs.James came into my life and hhelped me straighten it out. She was the mom I never had. Im not perfect but she really helped me a lot and I will forever love her for that. I saw Quinn getting her stuff and leaving with the asian girl..

"Well bye Mrs.James.I see you in March then."

"Okay. " I hugged her then ran after Quinn.

"Hey wait a sec." I called out. She stopped then turned around. I caught up to them .

"What ?" she said with a straight face.

"I want to talk to you. "

"Well Quinn I'll talk to you later." the asian girl said.

"Okay bye. Don't forget to call me." So she had a cell phone. I definitely needed that number I thought. " What do you want from me" she spat. "Just because we're partners doesn't mean Im going to talk to you."

"Then how are we suppose to do it togehter ?"

"We won't. I'll do it and i'll put your name on it or vice versa. But im pretty sure have don't have the brains to do that, so i'll probably end up doing it. See, simple as that . " Why was she so cranky for?

"This is my grade too, so I want to be a prat of it." I could care less about the damn project. I just wanted to spend time with her.

"FIne. But don't think we're going to become friends over night because of this."

"Hey Im okay with that. Just talking is enough . " She blushed a little and I could see her cold exterior softening. "So what's your number? I could call you and we could go over some ideas tonight ." I said taking out my phone.

"Nu-uh there is no rush.You give me your number and I'll call you." Damn this girl was being so difficult but I gave in and put my number into her phone.


"So what ? That's all. " She started walking away. I grabbed her arm. "

"Calm down. We still haven't finished talking."

"You talk TOO much and beside there is no need for that. Im a comic geek remember ? I don't deserve to be treated like a human being right? " She had me there. I knew that joke would come back and haunt me eventually.

"Look I'm sorry. What I said was mean and unfair. I didn't even know you so I had not right to judge you. " She stood there for a while then opened her mouth to say something. Yes I had won her over with my words. Everything was going good till' Sierra came out of nowhere and kissed me. Right in front of Quinn. A big wet, sloppy kiss. At first I tried to fight her but the man in me kicked in. I heard Quinn suck her teeth then say whaever.

"You dumbasses deserve each other. " she added. Damn there goes my one chance.


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