Darling attends Bhagamathie pre-release

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As much as we want Darling and Sweety to marry in real, we should also understand that it is their life and marriage is a personal choice and we should respect that. We have no rights whatsoever to force it on someone.
Like all my one-shots, I reiterate, this is also purely imaginary, written for entertainment and not meant to hurt anyone be it readers or the celebrities.


D walked in like a King with his vanarsena CA on his right and Vamsi on his left. With a huge grin plastered across his face he waved at his fans and shook hands with the guests finally met his besht frand. She wrapped her arms around him and he gave her a tight teddy hug rubbing her back.

S: Ouch! Pabsu pa control.. people are watching.. pls..

She whispered at his ears.

D: Don't worry see my damage control.. hee hee hee best wishes to you.

He shook her hand and patted her shoulder then looked at the camera,

D: Best friend... mine...we know each other from nursery....hee hee hee...

S: 😊😊

She took a seat and he sat beside her but with a huge gap in the middle. Both looked around for possible 'bakras' who could serve as a bridge between them.

S: Ashok garu, why are you standing ? Come sit here there is space.

A: Oh ok thank you Sweety..

He moved forward but was pulled back just in time by Vicky.

Vi: Are you crazy ? You want to sit with them ?? Rather put your head under train tracks. Just shut up and stand here..

A: Huh.. uh.. you are right. Talli,no problem I prefer to stand here.

S pouted sadly and looked at D who assured her through eyes he would get one bakra. He looked around,

D: Hi Thaman ! Come sit here... I plan to make you make you music director for my next film !

Th: Wow great !!

Vicky and Ashok tried to signal him not to go but the fella didn't understand. He fell for the trap and happily skipped his way them. D grabbed him and pulled him on the sofa in between him and S. D shot her a victory smirk and she reciprocated with a shy smile.

Soon our couple started their lovers talk using Th as a bridge. Initially Th tried to brush it off and concentrate on the program but it became too unbearable for him as both were squeezing him from either side. He tried to get up and leave a few times but was pushed back by D.

D: What is your urgency ?? Can't you see we are talking ?? Sit quietly.

Th: Akka pls akka I can't take it anymore leave me I will go back to my village for good...

S: Thaman garu, if you leave we can't talk freely all eyes will be on us so pls adjust no.. for the sake of your sister.

Th: If not also all eyes are on you guys only. Pls let me go.

D: If you go I won't give you chance in my next film.

Th: Huh.. never mind first release your Sahoo and then we'll talk about your next film.

Before D could lock him in his arms Th escaped and joined Ashok The spot was empty and again they looked around for bakras.

S: Prashanti.. come here..

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