Hang out: Chapter 4

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Brief is walking down the sidewalk with chuck on his shoulder and walking straight to the church.

Brief: huh, it feels like days since my last visit here, what do you say, chuck?

Chuck: *tilts head*

Brief: hehe, yeah, me too

Brief stands in front of the door and right before he knocks it, stocking opens the door with a lot of speed.

Brief: uh........hi?

Stocking: brief, i'm so glad you came, wait, chuck? why is he on your shoulder?

Brief: oh yeah! he lives in my house now, but, he'll come here to visit you and panty, speaking of her, where is she?

Stocking: she's in her room, properly trying to find a guy.

Brief: between you and me, she's really the queen of sluts and whore.

Stocking: PFFT!! HAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!! nice one! i never even call her that!!!

Brief: heh, may i come in?

Stocking: oh! sure.

Brief steps inside and sits on couch and stocking grabs some chocolate milk and sits next to brief.

Stocking: so.....how did you get those abs?

Brief(thinking): what the fuck!? not only she ask about my abs, she just ask me a question! something's wrong..

Stocking: um, brief?

Brief: oh! sorry, i zoned out for a bit, i did a morning workout everyday and i didn't tell you and panty, because i think you believe a geek like me would ever get this ripped.

Stocking: hmm, you maybe right..

Brief: oh! by the way, (pulls out a chocolate bar) i brought this for you, so you can enjoy this with your chocolate milk.

Stocking: *gasp* thank you!!!

Brief: heh, no problem, stocking

Stocking: you know, i think i should repay you~

Brief: really? huh, i don't think i deserve it, stocking—

In that moment, stocking give him a peck on the cheek and turn away blushing.

Brief: uh................

Stocking: it's the only thing i can do.

Brief: it's fine, stocking, i accept it, okay?

Stocking: thanks....brief, i want to say that i-i lov—

Panty: hey stocking! have you seen my-

Panty saw brief sitting on the couch and her eyes wided.

Panty: HA!!! i knew it! you still can't resist my sexy looks, come upstairs and we can get it on~~

Brief put his hand on his forehead in disbelief and sigh.

Brief: i'm not here for that, panty! i'm here because stocking invite me.

Panty: what!?!? i didn't know you want to fuck him, stocking!

Stocking(blushing mad): WHAT!!?!?!? i invite him to hang out, not having sex with him!!!!

While the girls where fighting, brief gets up and quietly walk to the elevator and exit the church.

Brief: well.......that couldn't got a lot better, huh? who's that?

Brief founds chuck on his back and he jumps on his head.

Brief: heh, you want something to eat, boy?

Chuck: *nodding head crazy*

Brief: *laughs* okay, okay! let's go.

Brief walks down the street and hears someone whispering.

Brief: huh? chuck, did you hear that?

Brief hides behind the bushes and listens.

Scanty: this is interesting, how can a geek like him would ever get that attractive?

Kneesocks: i feel pity for him, he hangs with those moron angels.

Scanty: no, dear sister, i saw how he avoid that angel slut and never hangs out with them anymore, maybe, he finally got tired of them and move on.

Kneesocks: shall we talk to him tomorrow, sister?

Scanty: yes, and we are going to keep him for a very long time~~~

The demon sisters enter their limo and drove off.

Brief: oh boy..........looks like panty and stocking aren't the only ones taking a liking of me.

To be continued...........

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