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PAIRING: Charlie Weasley x reader (platonic Ginny Weasley & reader)

SUMMARY: Being the only girl of the Weasley clan meant Ginny tends to feel out of place. Thankfully, you're around to remind her that she is so much more than the baby girl of the family.

NOTES: I usually prefer to keep my fics gender neutral but for this one, I'm making it lean more on the impression that the reader is a female. Also, I adore the concept of a small Ginny looking up to whoever is dating her brother aka something we didn't get with Fleur. So of course, I wrote this. Girls gotta stick together!


You smile, fingers interlocked with Charlie's as the two of you step into The Burrow together. Molly is in front of you by the time you're brushing off the excess floo powder on your clothes, welcoming you both with a firm embrace and a large smile.

"Y/N!" Molly exclaims, pulling away from you and patting your cheek gently. "You're looking thinner, dear. Have you been eating?" Before you could answer, she's turning behind her where the rest of the Weasleys are standing, waiting to greet you both. "Bill! You said you'd make sure Y/N has been taking care of herself."

Bill shakes his head, long red hair swaying over his shoulder. "Come on, mum. You know Y/N hates vegetables."

"I don't think I've ever even seen you eat a vegetable, William." You chime in. Bill raises a finger, most likely to contradict your comment but you cut him off. "Corn doesn't count."

"Corn is a vegetable?" Percy questions with furrowed eyebrows.

Charlie finally cuts in. "It's up for debate."

After that, everyone moves back to assist with getting the table set up for dinner. You spent most of your time split between both Charlie and Bill until the twins pull you to the side to divulge some of their upcoming ideas they have to prank Snape and Filch.

Just as you are about to return to Charlie, you see a subdued, out-of-place Ginny outside in the garden. Her hair is drawn back and away from her face into a loose ponytail, the orange and red horizon leave a comely shade over her freckled cheekbones. She's pacing, tossing a golden snitch above her head and catching it over and over again.


She grabs the snitch and clamps her fingers around it as she turns to you, a timid expression on her face.

"Hey, Y/N."

You look back to the others inside the house. Charlie is still bickering with Bill so you take the chance and close the door behind you and make your way over to her. You stand next to Ginny, stuffing your fists into your pants pockets. Both of you don't say anything, she turns back to the horizon, a thoughtful expression on her face as she starts tossing the snitch again.

A few silent moments pass before Ginny is sighing, ramming the snitch into her back pocket and turning to you with an apparent expression.

"Do you ever just, I don't know, feel out of place?"

Smiling, you shrug and turn back to the now setting sun. "Always."

Ginny huffs out a laugh. "Okay, dumb question but you're you and I'm..."

You turn at the sound of her tone, it's nearly skeptical and despairing.

"And you're you," You add, eyebrows furrowed in confusion. "You're Ginny bloody Weasley, the damn best Weasley — don't tell Bill or Charlie I said that — you're fantastic, Gin. What's this about?"

"It's just," Ginny stutters before sighing. "Being in a family with just boys is annoying. Especially when I'm the youngest. I feel like no one gets me and I have no one to relate to."

"What about Molly?"

"She's my mum." Ginny shrugs, glancing down at her shoes. "It's not really the same."

You choose your words carefully before responding. "Well, you always have me." That causes Ginny to look back up to you. "I mean, I might just be Charlie's girlfriend to you and maybe you don't see me the same way but I consider you family. Besides, I can relate. I only have Jacob, meaning I can definitely associate on solely relying on a brother's aspect of your issue. So if you need a sister or just a female opinion and you're not up to asking Molly, I'm here."

Ginny doesn't say anything for a good five minutes. You immediately overthink and assume you pushed her boundaries but before you could apologize, Ginny is pulling you into a firm embrace. Her thin arms wrap around your torso and you return the hug immediately.

"Thank you," She speaks against your shoulder. "You're more than Charlie's girlfriend, Y/N. You're family now."

Something soft settles within you at her words, leaving you a smiling mess when you both pull away. You glance down to your jacket, a pin with the words "Girls Just Want To Have Fun" from the Cyndi Lauper show you went to last week still pinned over the left side. It's a vivid pink color and it has a heart over the letter i. Without hesitation, you pluck the pin and reach over to Ginny, placing it on her shirt.

"Good because if given chance, I plan to stick around." You respond, admiring the pin on her shirt and the bright grin on her face.


It's the day of Bill's wedding. While you hoped you could've been there sooner, you're just pleased to have made it before the ceremony. As always, Fleur is radiant and Bill is breathtaking. You grin and wipe a few stray tears as the two exchange vows.

The reception is fun. Charlie manages to keep you on your toes as the two of you sway to the music. You're smiling, eyes interlocked with his before you press a kiss to his cheek. He blushes brightly, the freckles over his cheekbones more prominent with the cherry red hue over his skin and you grin at the sight.

He's chuckling and you shake your head before turning to the left. Somehow, you manage to catch Ginny's eye. She's standing off to the side with Hermione. Ginny wears a lovely yellow dress but that's not what caught your attention. It's the brilliant pink pin you gave her a few years back that you notice immediately.

"She wears it all the time." Charlie comments, looking towards his sister before turning to you.

You beam instantly. "She does?"

Charlie grins softly before leaning in close enough that your noses brush against each other. "Yeah. Mum told me she even wears it under her school robes, too. Would've worn it on her robes but the time she did, Snape took 10 points from Gryffindor for it so she wears it underneath now."

You lean in a little closer, pressing a chaste kiss to the corner of his mouth before you look him in the eye and whisper. "Good, Snape can suck it."

He chortles with wide eyes before full on laughing. Charlie's mirth is contagious and before you know it, both of you are snickering hysterically on the dance floor causing a few guests to look your way but you pay them no mind. You regain your breath and turn Ginny's way. She grins and taps the button with pride.

Shaking your head, you turn back to Charlie and take his hand as you both leave the dance floor.

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