The Beginning(Prologue)

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Only one week ago, a mafia group was killed. Now, they are back. Their spirits rose up, and decided to reside at Luigi's Mansion. With the help of 3-5 others, they managed to place many traps in the mansion, one in almost every room. Then, there came the portraits of the deceased mafia members.

One hour later...

"Great job guys. Now, you're wondering why you're here, right?" The ghost of Donkey Kong said.

"Because we have to kill?" One voice said.

"Yep. And," the ghost of Ludwig stated, "If you kill everyone, you'll get $100,000 dollars."

"Ooh, interesting." Another voice said.

"But if you fail," Luigi's ghost said, pointing to a knife, "then you will face severe consequences."

"I know, I know." A voice said.

"Good. Now, go back home. We'll prepare the rest." The ghost of Sarah said, snickering as the 3-5 people that helped them with their devious plan left. However, there were 2 more people there. They were the cop and the nurse. They were both cuddling with each other, as they were scared af.

"What should we do?" One of them said to the ghosts.

"DON'T tell them your role in this." The ghost of Ingrid said. "Or else." She added, grabbing a machete. The two quickly nodded in fear and ran out of the mansion.

One week later...

"Uh, guys? Are you sure we're supposed to be at that mansion over there?" Mario said, pointing to Luigi's Mansion. Everyone was on a bus, and they were heading to Luigi's Mansion.

"I'm not sure." Mona said confusingly.

"I think so." Wario said, scratching his butt.

"Ok, stop scratching your butt, fatty." Larry said. Wario then gave him the stink eye.

"Damn it." Larry said. He knew what Wario's stink eye face meant. "He's gonna blow."

About five seconds later, a loud farting sound was heard, causing the whole bus to smell.

"JESUS CHRIST, AGAIN?" Iggy yelled, holding his nose as tight as he could.

"That was the 5th time he did that today." Lemmy said, before he passed out.

"I know. I think I'm gonna barf." Diddy said.

"SAME!" Kamek and Toad screamed.

"JUST GET ME OFF OF THE DAMN BUS!" Peach screeched as she ran off of the bus, holding her nose from the stench. Everyone followed her as she ran up the steps to Luigi's Mansion.

When she opened the door, she and the others were shocked by what they found inside.

The doors opened to a very large room, which had a huge table with many chairs, a small kitchen, and stairs, to go to the higher floors.

But then, people stood in shock in what they saw next.

They saw pictures of each mafia member from the baseball island. Mario gasped as he saw that the pictures looked exactly like the mafia members. He wondered if it was an illusion or not.


Mario quickly turned around to find that Waluigi was behind him.

"What do you want Waluigi?" Mario said. He wasn't in he mood to talk. All Waluigi was doing was just standing there, looking at the paintings, his eyes widening at each picture. Mario thought that was a bit weird, so he went to sit down on a chair. Then, as soon as he sat down, the lights turned off. Then, he heard some screaming and a slashing of a knife. Then, the lights turned back on, revealing a shocking surprise.

"Everyone, take a seat." A voice said.

As everyone took a seat on one of the plush chairs, Mario opened his eyes to find a dying Diddy Kong on top of the table, with slashes on his stomach and face. Before he died though, he said, "Mario. Come here."

Mario quickly got on the table and started walking towards him. "Diddy? What is it?" He said.

Diddy pointed to a chandelier and said, "They did it.", before taking his last breath. Mario looked at he chandelier and saw five ghosts. Mario gasped as the ghosts came towards him.

What the hell?, he thought, as he quickly sat in his seat. Then, the ghosts floated down and smiled at everyone.

"Welcome." One of them said.

Yep, here is the first chapter of Book#2 of the Mario Mafia series. Sorry if you didn't like the first chapter, I tried my best. So, yeah. The only questions I have for you now is:

Who do you think is the mafia?

Who do you think is the cop?

Who do you think is the nurse?

Mario Mafia: Mansion of Doom(Sequel to The Mario Mafia, read that first)Where stories live. Discover now