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I took Rayan, Chresanto, and EJ home then showed Jacob his room. Rylan knew I didn't want to talk to him so he left me alone. I went to my room with Gia where we put on pajamas.

I put on a pair of thick gray sweats with a black sports bra. I left my hair how it was and took off my makeup.

I turned on Netflix and put on Orange Is The New Black. I made sure my door was locked and rolled a fresh blunt. Gia kept looking at it like she was debating on wether or not to try it.

"Have you ever smoked weed before?"


"Want some?"

"I don't know"

"It's natural. It doesn't fuck up your insides or anything"

"Uh alright"

I rolled her one and lit it then handed it to her. She hesitantly took a puff coughing harshly after. But she didn't quit. Two puffs later there was no coughing, only smoke.

I converted her. There was a knock on the door.

"Who is it?"


I opened the door and pulled him in locking it again. I sat back on my bed while he sat in my chair.

"Want some?"

"Sure" He rolled his own and we all sat, smoked, and watched the tv.


I took a quick shower and put on tight black denim shorts and a black crop top. I did my makeup and brushed my teeth . I added black Forces, a gold ring, a gold watch, and a gold necklace.

I left my hair down and put on a black beanie. Sophia walked in my room when Gia woke up.

"Oh I need bridesmaids too. I need three. Can you help with that?"



Gia got up and got dressed and damn did she look fine. If it wasn't clear by now, I'm bisexual.

"Do you want to be a bridesmaid?" I asked.

"Do I get to skip school?"

"Awe look at that. I'm rubbing off on you already! But yeah we do"

"Then of course"

"Ok I need to make some calls" I got my phone and called Tina since she gave me her number.

"Hey Misha thanks so much for that tip"

"No problem. So I know we don't really know each other but my dad is getting married and his fiancé needs some bridesmaids. Wanna be one?"

"Wow sure"

"Alright can you come over here?"

"Yeah" I gave her my address relieved that I only have to find one more. Gia said her younger sister would do it. We went and ate breakfast with Sophia and Jacob.

"Damn I wish I had the same body as you two when I was 17. I used to be fat" Sophia proclaimed before walking out of the dining room.

Rylan walked in and sat down grabbing a plate.

"Is something wrong Misha?"

"You'll find out later" I got my earbuds from my pocket and turned on Lotta That by G-Eazy. Jason took my earbuds out making me instantly mad. "Dude what the fuck is wrong with you?"

"Why don't you use your manners and stop listening to music during breakfast and stop cussing?!"

"Because breakfast is over and I was obviously using music to stop myself from yelling at somebody. You are not my father Jason. Don't tell me what to do! My birthday is in two months, I'll be grown. Why don't you go ask your wife where I got my attitude and manners from?!" I put my earbuds back in not even mad anymore. Tina and Kechia walked in and everybody met everybody. Rylan looked like a deer caught in the headlights.

"We should get going or we'll be late" I got up from the table and called Sophia downstairs. We got in my car and I drove to the dress store. Inside we sat on a couch waiting while Sophia went to try on dresses.

On the fourth dress she looked perfect. She bought the dress with no alterations or anything. That was fast.

We went to a different place for our dresses and this time she sat down with Jacob and Cody who called us and met us here. She picked some dresses for us already and they had us all try on the first dress. An ugly green disaster.

We showed her and she automatically said no. The next dress was hot pink and was very thin. No. The last dress she picked was a pretty purple with a black ribbon around the waist. She said yes.

We bought them in our sizes and took them home. Tina stayed with Cody and Kechia went home. Jacob called EJ over and they went to his room. Gia and I went cake tasting with Sophia.

She paid for a cake that will cost a thousand dollars. Wow this wedding is gonna be expensive. At home she went to call different venues to set up appointments and I went down to the basement where everybody was.

I laid across Jacob and Gia's lap feeling extremely tired.

"What time is it?" I asked.

"3pm" EJ stated.

"Oh my goddddddddd"

"Misha that sounded like a straight up sex moan" Gia proclaimed smirking.

"Gia you're so dirty" We all laughed but stopped when Dashawn walked in. "What the fuck are you doing here?" I stood up and walked over to him.

"Can I talk to you?"

"Who let you in?"


"Come on" I took him up to my room and slammed the door. "I told you I never wanted to see you again!"

"I know. I just thought my apology wasn't taken as well as it should've been"

"Cheaters don't get their apologies taken well"

"Again it was not intentional to hurt you okay"

"Whatever" I sat down on my bed not in the mood for his dumb apologies.

"Baby don't act like that"

"Don't call me that" He pushed me back and got on top of me making me nervous.

"Misha you always will be my baby. No one else's" He kissed my lips softly and looked me in my eyes. "Nobody will make you scream the way I did" He kissed me again. "Nobody will make you blush the way I did and still do" Kiss. Kiss. Kiss.

He got off of me and left. I sat up touching my warm face. I went back to the basement and sat next to Gia. Since I wouldn't talk she texted me and I told her what happened.

I hate that nigga.

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