Telling everyone

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Uncle Jacobs p.o.v

"Avery and Harper can you come here please?" I yell

As they walk Avery ask "what do you need?"

"Well I was wondering if you guys are ok with Scar and Liam moving with us" Jacob said. They are Sharing a 3 story house including a basement. (Harper and her kid are going to live in the basement with 3 bedrooms and a living room and Jacob and Avery are on the third story with 1 master bedroom and four other bedrooms with at least one bathroom in each floor).
"Free babysitting if Will is not home and I love those kids so I'm ok with it" Harper said
"I'm ok with it to but what about homeschooling should we give them a Choice of home school or public school?" Ask Avery

"Give then a choice" said Jacob

Scarlet p.o.v

"That have been in there for a long time what do you think they are saying" I sad Liam and Will

"God only knows" Liam said. Then the door opened.

"Scar and Liam can you come here please?" Harper ask

"Sure" Liam and I start to go in the house

"So if you guys want you can move in with us and if you guys do want to move in with us do you want to be home schooled?" Aunt Avery ask

Liam speaks "Yes on moving in with you and can I try Home school?"

"Yes of course" said aunt Avery

"I would like to move in with you guys to but can I go to public school" I said

"Yes of course now let's tell the others" uncle Jacob said

We all walk out side and aunt Avery called everyone over "so aunt Anne and uncle Gib died and Liam and Scar are going to live with us." You could tell the kids (I call everyone there kid because I'm the oldest. They may not be kids but still) were happy that we were going with them but sad that my mom and dad died.
337 word. I'm sorry my chapters are short but I like how that are going.

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