6# - Square Up Is Full Of Bops And Was Worth The Wait

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People always say that Blackpink's first mini album, Square Up, took so long aNd was a disappointment because it only had four songs. I disagree. Yeah, Poppa YG is at fault here, but Square Up is full of songs worthy of being title tracks. The title track, Ddu-du Ddu-du, will always be my favorite title track (unless they have a new comeback and mess up my opinion). (Plus Jennie's rap was amazing no one can tell me otherwise) Forever Young was so cool like I shake my butt to the chorus and the vocals were on point. And can I say the ending was totally unexpected but I loved it. See U Later was super cool and we got some nice Jennie and Lisa rapping. Really is such a refreshing song. No wonder it took so long for the album to come out. The album was so well done! Actually, if it took a year to ma,e one mini album, how long will it take to make a full album? I don't have enough fingers to count how many years that would take.

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