"Got your blowtorch ready, Cas?"
The angel stood beside Dean at the back of the car, staring intently at the tool gripped loosely in his own hands. He frowned. "Yes..." he said. He looked up at Dean with squinted eyes. "However, I still don't see why we need them."
With a hand on the door of the trunk, Dean stared over at him. "It's the only way to kill one of these sonsabitches. You're an angel, I thought you'd know that."
"Have you explored the possibility that Sebastian Foley isn't a rugaru?"
"The hell are you talking about, Cas?" Dean took his hand away and furrowed his eyebrows. "He fits the criteria."
"I believe the only thing you have to rely on is his age."
"What are you saying? That we should go in, completely unarmed, and risk being eaten alive?"
Castiel carefully set the blowtorch back into the trunk. "Dean, what were we going to do if we went in there and Sebastian was human?"
"We'd have figured something out," he said.
The angel squinted.
Dean rolled his eyes. "Fine. What was your plan?"
"We should pursue this like we did with Ms. Zanetti," Castiel stated. "Posing as FBI agents."
"And if he's actually a rugaru?" he asked. "We go up there, we're lunch."
"I am an angel, Dean. I will protect us both."
Glaring, Dean put the torch back into the trunk. Castiel nodded, turned around, and started toward the apartment complex they had parked in front of. Dean snatched his demon-killing knife from the holder, shut the trunk door, and slipped it into his pocket. Then he followed Castiel, who had stopped by cement stairs to wait for him.
Castiel was the first to climb the steps with Dean close behind. Once at the top, he tried to move around the angel to ring the door bell, but Castiel blocked his path and knocked on the wooden door himself. Dean looked at him curiously, but the angel's gaze didn't waver from the peephole.
A minute passed without them receiving an answer. This time Castiel knocked a little harder.
Another thirty seconds went by.
"He's probably hiding," Dean said. "You stay here and I'll climb his balcony." He went over to the railing.
"I don't think that's such a good idea, Dean."
"And why the hell not?"
The door opened then, revealing an olive-skinned man with bags under his eyes. The worry lines and unshaven chin made him look much older than he really was. The man yawned, and Dean mentally checked him off the list, sharing a look with Castiel.
He blinked wearily at them. "Yeah?"
"Sebastian Foley?" Dean asked.
Dean pulled out his badge. "Special Agent Mosley. This is my partner, Agent Moscone."
Mr. Foley looked at Castiel, and Dean realized that he hadn't taken his badge out. He nudged the angel, glaring at him. Luckily, he held his badge right side up that time.
"We have a few questions we'd like to ask you," he said, concealing his badge. "Can we come in?"
Mr. Foley frowned. "What is this about?"
"We're here concerning the death of Leopold Short."
The man's face instantly hardened. "FBI shouldn't be investigating an animal attack."

Finding Faith [Destiel Love Story]
FanfictionDean Winchester had never been a praying man. Once, in all of his twenty-seven years of life, only once did he ever wish for celestial aid. That was back when he was sixteen. Back when he still had some sort of faith. Now, ten years later, he's fa...