Chapter 9

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  It was dark when Dean pulled up to his house. He got out of the car, a little surprised to see a dull light barely shining out through the curtains. Frowning, he just stared at the window for a moment, unsure if he really wanted to deal with an angel who was probably sulking inside.

Then he remembered how upset Castiel was, how much it had bothered him, and Dean didn't want his angel to feel that way. Ever.

Opening the door, he saw that the light was coming from the dining room.

"Hey," he said, shutting the door behind him. He walked through the hallway, stopping by the table. "What happened?"

Castiel didn't say anything, his eyes drilling holes into the wood.

After a moment Dean decided to sit down across from him. Castiel finally looked up.

"I'm turning human," he said.

"Turning human?" Dean repeated. He furrowed his eyebrows. "How is that possible?"

"I don't know. I'm becoming more human the longer I stay here. I don't understand how this could happen."

"Are you sure this is what's going on? Maybe God's just, I don't know, giving you a run for your money."

Castiel squinted. "Dean, I am very sure that my father isn't giving me human senses just for kicks."

"Maybe it's a prank from one of your angel buddies."

Looking back down, Castiel shook his head. "That's not how it works." Then, quite suddenly, he disappeared from the room.

Dean blinked a few times, making sure his eyes weren't just playing tricks on him. "Cas?" he asked, hesitantly. There was no response.

He sat there, waiting for the reality of what had happened to settle in. He let his fist fall against the surface of the table, shaking his head. "Damn it," he muttered. He looked around the room again, just to make sure that the angel didn't just move to the living room to mope. He still hadn't appeared.

Dean got to his feet, heading for the kitchen to grab a beer. "How often do I have to tell you it isn't socially acceptable to just fly off in the middle of a conversation?" he asked the air. He popped the cap off and paused just short of drinking it. "Cas, come back down when you're less freaked out about all this." He took a swig.


It took about a week for Dean to become concerned. The days before, he figured that the angel was off somewhere taking a break from the stress of his job. It was just weird not having anyone around after having him there for so long.

But that day, when he got home from work and there was still no sign of Castiel, something clicked in his head. Something wasn't quite right.

He missed him.

"Cas?" Dean warily asked. He waited a minute, standing alone at the foot of the stairs. "Cas, you gotta give me something here. A sign or whatever cliché angel crap you guys like to pull. Come on, man, just let me know you're not..." He swallowed. "Just let me know you're good."

He stayed there, looking around to see if his angel would show up and actually explain something to him. Nothing happened. Dean frowned, thoughts forming in the back of his head about what Castiel could possibly be doing. Was he really just calming himself down? Time for angels probably went by a hell of a lot faster than time for humans. Dean's lifespan was a blink of an eye to someone like Castiel, someone who's been around for eons.

But what really bothered him was the possibility of this being more than the angel needing space. What if Castiel wasn't just calming himself down? What if he was in trouble?

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